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Search results

  1. H

    CA Congratulations Gentlemen, we're all rich!

    It has to because of the custom flat frisbee air cleaner and heat reflective window shades!
  2. H

    New to CB

    Thanks to everyone for the welcome! Yes, engines, props and fuel systems (Powerline). I was also a flight mechanic for about 12 years before getting stationed with my first j-model unit. Stay safe over there!
  3. H

    New to CB

    The plan is for it to be a daily driver and something I can work on as time permits with my kids. I prefer as close to stock looking as possible so I can make the changes I want but it does not need to be all original. Hoping to get into something around 6-10k.
  4. H

    New to CB

    Hello all, My name is Donnie. I am in the Marines and currently serving at US Embassy Beijing, China. I have searched through the information on this site in the past and am always impressed with the knowledge that is shared. We are headed back to San Diego towards the end of the year and...