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Search results

  1. earthguy

    Gauge cluster refurbishing

    Is it possible to put a second gas gauge where the ALT is on the left?
  2. earthguy

    '66 output shaft seal

    Good day all, I have a '66 with the original 170 and 3.03" 3 speed. I bought the rebuild kit from JBG and the output shaft seal that they sent doesn't match the seal I took off. The seal that I removed is 2.75" OD and 1.875" ID. The seal in the kit is just 1.625" OD including the lip...
  3. earthguy

    Ladys modeling Broncos

    Grill, or headlights?
  4. earthguy

    Shop Surprise

    Going to be the nerd here. That's a speckled kingsnake, the subspecies that ranges from SW Alabama to Western Texas. Here on the East coast their blotches are bigger and we call them chain kings (like a chain link fence). Most pet store kings are the the California striped subspecies. Any of...
  5. earthguy

    Show me your custom dash!

    That's a sweet radio! What brand? How does it sound? Must've cost a pretty penny ;)
  6. earthguy


    I could go either way with the roll bar. I just want to know what color your rig is. Sweet ride for sure!
  7. earthguy

    twin stick question

    I thought there was a tech article on this somewhere around here, but I can't find it at the moment. Or maybe it was on Build a Bronco? Either way I'd like to get my hands on it.
  8. earthguy

    Proportioning valve - need measurement

    Thanks! I'm at my computer and the Bronco is at the shop, so I'll have to hunt it later. I didn't think there would be a threaded hole on a '66 frame. If there is I just overlooked it the first go-round.
  9. earthguy

    Proportioning valve - need measurement

    I'm installing the JBG proportioning valve and bracket on my 66. The body is off the frame so I have no reference point for the wheel well. What is the measurement back from the driver's side shock tower (stock)? I was going to ask for distance back from the motor mounts, but I wasn't sure if my...
  10. earthguy

    Stock Rear rubber hose

    I have to replace the rubber brake hose on my '66. I added a 2.5" SL, so do I need to order a longer hose? I don't have the body on the frame at the moment (probably won't for a couple of years), so it's hard for me to say definitively if I need it longer or not. I can't find any extended length...
  11. earthguy

    Help figuring out access to the back seat

    Looks like that mechanism came as early as 1984 for the BII. Check out 3:30 of this Motor Trend Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ykvs1WDXTbQ Also, who knew they came from the factory with detachable side windows (@ 2:10)?
  12. earthguy

    Help figuring out access to the back seat

    Not Jeep parts on a Bronco!! Those CJ lift risers were less than $50. Not sure how I feel about putting Jeep parts on my bronco, but I'm going to at least ask somebody to show me how theirs works to see if it would work for me. If they work I'll just pretend they're aftermarket...;)
  13. earthguy

    Help figuring out access to the back seat

    Thanks! That should extend my search net.
  14. earthguy

    Help figuring out access to the back seat

    BII flip up seats You're the third person to tell me that, but I haven't found one yet. I had an '86 Eddie Bauer (remember when that was cool?) edition BII, but I can't for the life of me remember how the seats operated. Although I CAN tell you that I did spend some time in the back seat ;)8-)
  15. earthguy

    Help figuring out access to the back seat

    I've been looking for the right Bronco II mounts based on this article that I ran across years ago --> http://www.azbronco.org/tech/todd-mods If you figure out what year/package bronco II those came out of it may solve your problem. If you do PLEASE let me know.
  16. earthguy

    Broncos are not rare !

    I'd say they are pretty rare. In 18 years I've seen 6 in my home town. Two of those were mine. At the moment I'm in a fairly wealthy beach area for work. I was hoping to see some broncos, but nada. One FSB. Plenty of Lambos, porches, and even a Lotus and a 427 cobra (probably a kit car, but you...
  17. earthguy

    Anyone from Beufort SC?

    No, but I spend every minute I can there. Come to think of it, though, when I'm there I'm either on the water or within 100 yards of it. Can't say as I've ever seen a bronco cruising there.
  18. earthguy

    Official Bronco Sighting Thread - TV or Movies

    I'm not generally susceptible to advertisement, but I have to admit I have a strange urge to buy something from them. ;)
  19. earthguy

    Another color query - the copperhead

    Hadn't thought of the brown wheels. Very cool idea!
  20. earthguy

    Another color query - the copperhead

    Since my '66 is in a million pieces and I'm waiting for parts to come in, all I can do is think about color. After much internal strife I've decided (for now) to use a color theme modeled after one of my favorite species - the copperhead. Black wheels, darker brown body, and lighter brown...