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Search results

  1. C

    A few questions before I purchase my first

    thanks guys for all the advice. i dont necessarily want this to be a multi year project. In a sense I guess it will always be an ongoing project, but I'd like her to be pretty close to driveable when I buy it. we'll see, i'm trying to stop myself from just pulling the trigger. been looking...
  2. C

    A few questions before I purchase my first

    funny, I was reading through that thread earlier! yeah, it looks like it can be pretty involved, no doubt.
  3. C

    A few questions before I purchase my first

    Looking to join the club and become an early bronco owner. Can yall give me some advice on what some things are I need to lookout for when purchasing? For instance, if you would have known something was a pain to fix, you would have made sure the one you purchased didn't have that issue? I...
  4. C

    LA In the market

    Looking for an early model bronco, any year (66-77). The only musts for me are v8 and manual transmission. It needs to have a motor that runs and a transmission that can be shifted... I'm really open to anything, obviously the less rust the better. Would love to have a hard top. I'm really...