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Search results

  1. Hatchett Racing

    Hatchett Racing 4873 is KOH Bound

    What a day! A huge thanks to our family and friends for the continued support. Unfortunately, we didn't finish and came up with a DNF. It was a very long day and broke the driver side steering linkage in North Jackhammer. A big shout out to Travis' co-driver, Thomas Kincer and our awesome...
  2. Hatchett Racing

    Hatchett Racing 4873 is KOH Bound

    Today is the big day. Watch us live on Ultra 4 racing and click on the Live link in the top right corner.
  3. Hatchett Racing

    Crowdfunding page set up to help a couple Bronco Brothers chase their dream...

    We want to thank again all that have helped us get to this point. Today is the big day please watch us live on Ultra 4 racing. click on the live link and look for 4874 Hatchett Racing.
  4. Hatchett Racing

    EB entered in EMC @ KOH

    Keep an eye out for Hatchett Racing 4873. We will try to keep the Facebook page Hatched Racing 4873 updated. Reception out there is getting worse and worse. Also watch Krawler Edge Facebook for Updates. There is a live feed you can watch on line. If you go to Ultra 4 racing and click on the...
  5. Hatchett Racing

    Hatchett Racing 4873 is KOH Bound

    Sorry this has taken a while to up date. I was having trouble getting these photos to up load not sure if it was the computer or the operator or a little of both. The last few days have been very busy with shock tuning and testing , getting radio communications dialed in, getting things wrapped...
  6. Hatchett Racing

    Hatchett Racing 4873 is KOH Bound

    Just got word they are in Fort Worth.
  7. Hatchett Racing

    Hatchett Racing 4873 is KOH Bound

    Yes that is Redlyners/Mall Crawler or should we say his Bomber on the back of the trailer.
  8. Hatchett Racing

    Hatchett Racing 4873 is KOH Bound

    Just to get it off the highway.
  9. Hatchett Racing

    Hatchett Racing 4873 is KOH Bound

    Crossing the Mississippi River
  10. Hatchett Racing

    Hatchett Racing 4873 is KOH Bound

    Just heard from Thomas and he had posted these on Krawlers Edge Facebook page. Doug and Clint were towing this buggy out as a support Vehicle when there transmission went out.
  11. Hatchett Racing

    Hatchett Racing 4873 is KOH Bound

    Well just heard they are in Mississippi.
  12. Hatchett Racing

    Hatchett Racing 4873 is KOH Bound

    Travis and I were just talking about that this Bronco Brotherhood is so great and glad to be part of it. That so many local and nonlocal guys have given up days and nights to come help out not only with this but to help each other when getting ready for trips or events. That is whats makes this...
  13. Hatchett Racing

    Crowdfunding page set up to help a couple Bronco Brothers chase their dream...

    We can't thank everyone enough for there help and support with this. Biff It took us a little bit but there is a threat started for the trip out west. Travis will be picking up Thomas along the way and several of us fly out on Sat and more support team comes in on Wed. Between all of us we hope...
  14. Hatchett Racing

    Hatchett Racing 4873 is KOH Bound

    Thanks Drew for all you have done to help us get ready and setting up the Go fund me site. Sorry will we miss the MEB meet and greet this weekend. This will be the first one we will have missed since we became members.
  15. Hatchett Racing

    Hatchett Racing 4873 is KOH Bound

    Well we are loaded up and headed out west. We just wanted to thank everyone for there help and support. Sorry it has taken awhile to write its been crazy trying to get ready for this Trip and last weeks snow storm put a hold on getting ready since we had to push snow for a few days. We will be...