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Search results

  1. B

    What Color Do You Want To See My Bronco Painted

    midnight blue with white, although i like black aswell.
  2. B

    how do i make a custom avatar?

    i think it's been asked before, but how can i make an avatar?
  3. B

    Opinions on black bronco emblems

    with a lighter color like orange it looks good, but on a darker one like blue i think factory's good
  4. B

    logout prolbem

    i tried deleting all the cb cookies with no luck. is there a way to sign out of the forums like deleting all fields in the user profile sections then submiting it
  5. B

    logout prolbem

    my son joined the forums as jr and he cant clear his cookies by loging out. now sr.cant log on. i checked his user options and tried with the- browse w\ cookies on & off with no change. thanks