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1977 Bronco Valve Cover Restoration


New Member
Nov 19, 2005
Austin Texas
Dear Forum-
I am removing and restoring my valve covers, as one of the many phases of my effort to restore this Bronco's engine bay, and I thought I would ask the forum if any of you can help. I am looking for several things. First I am looking for a new Emissions Decal to replace the cooked decal that is going to be removed to repaint the covers. I am also wondering if anyone out there has had any of the yellow "OK" stamps reproduced? If you do where did you have them reproduced? My driver's side valve cover is stamped up multiple times, showing "O.K. 452" and "O.K. 531" (amongst some other numbers). The Emissions Decal is part number D7TE-9C485-YC. This was an original California car equipped with all the California smog equipment. The Emissions Decal also shows 7-111 as another number identifying what must be this particular decal/sticker. Do any of you have a line on either the stamps or the decal? I have pursued eBay for the decal now for months to no avail. Any help would be appreciated. This is a loving restoration to keep this uncut Bronco original. Please view my gallery to see what I am working on and thanks for your time :)
Best Regards,
Matt Wilson-


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
check out Auto Krafters I got emmisions decals for the valve covers on my 73 they should have the 77 one also. You might also look for them on some of the mustang parts sites like paddock, or national parts depot, theres a whole bunch of them out there and they deal with a lot of the correct decals for restorations.


New Member
Nov 19, 2005
Austin Texas
broncnaz said:
check out Auto Krafters I got emmisions decals for the valve covers on my 73 they should have the 77 one also. You might also look for them on some of the mustang parts sites like paddock, or national parts depot, theres a whole bunch of them out there and they deal with a lot of the correct decals for restorations.

Yeah it's almost like when I call those places I need to keep quiet about the fact that I am calling regarding a Bronco. As soon as I do that, when I called on something a while ago, they say, "we do Mustangs". I'll try again though as this is good advice.

Anyone else have any tips on the "O.K." stamps or emissions decal?


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
I hear that why I never tell them what its actually for they never seem to realize that sometimes its the same thing the only problem with the mustang houses is the may not have the TE P/N decals. I've never seen the OK stamps but you might be able to use a stencil and yellow paint