Price: $ 50
Price: $ 50
Hi All,
Pictured is the upper intake I have for sale. I have not cleaned it or anything. Just wiped it off with a paper towel. Casting number is RFE6SE-9425C4C. Cost for this one is 50 dollars plus shipping. I will ship it as cheaply as possible. I get a substantial discount at Fed-Ex so that is usually the cheapest method for me to ship things.
I also have another one that I will be listing with throttle body, EGR, etc..Numbers on it are F67E-9425-CA, RF-F67E-9H474-AA, and F6PE-9H473-A2C(The EGR). I will list it once I can wipe it off and find a shipping box. I only bring this up because I wouldn't want someone to buy this one and then see the other and prefer it.
Pictured is the upper intake I have for sale. I have not cleaned it or anything. Just wiped it off with a paper towel. Casting number is RFE6SE-9425C4C. Cost for this one is 50 dollars plus shipping. I will ship it as cheaply as possible. I get a substantial discount at Fed-Ex so that is usually the cheapest method for me to ship things.
I also have another one that I will be listing with throttle body, EGR, etc..Numbers on it are F67E-9425-CA, RF-F67E-9H474-AA, and F6PE-9H473-A2C(The EGR). I will list it once I can wipe it off and find a shipping box. I only bring this up because I wouldn't want someone to buy this one and then see the other and prefer it.
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