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ADMIN - New Sponsor - CAGE Offroad


Just your friendly, neighborhood webmaster...
Jan 1, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
Please check out one of our newest Site Sponsors, CAGE Offroad. Some of you probably got in on their Long Radius Arm mass buy last month. Check out their site (banner at top right) for more Bronco products and look for some new ideas from them soon.

Thanks to all the vendors that support this site!


Full Member
Mar 30, 2004
Tallahassee area
I can't wait to see some new products from these guys.
What I would really like to see is a rear axle traction control setup. Something similar to Sams off road setup or along those lines. (WINK..WINK..HINT..HINT) ;) :cool:


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
N.FloridaBronc said:
I can't wait to see some new products from these guys.
What I would really like to see is a rear axle traction control setup. Something similar to Sams off road setup or along those lines. (WINK..WINK..HINT..HINT) ;) :cool:

When I was out at SOB with the CAGE crew, Jim and I disussed this and he has two designs in the works now. One for EB's and other short wheelbase rigs, and a longer version for pickups and other LWB rigs.

Jim and I have more in common that just EB's, and a love for wheeling, his mind also runs at about 1000 MPH with cool ideas and a passion for design. Luckily for him he has found a great partner to help make these ideas become a reality, but the design, prototype and production process takes a bit of time....Stay tuned for what will surely be some cool parts from them.


Full Member
Mar 30, 2004
Tallahassee area
Aww Man!! That is just way too cool. I'm sure I won't be the only one watching this company closely for updates.

I know you both have been around for quite some time. Drew, I remember reading input from you back on the EBML a few years back and your ideas and opinions always seemed interesting and based in the real world. (This is the same guy right?) Anyway, it's great to have a place like this where it all kinda comes together.

So keep us posted on new releases from CAGE. Heck I could even be convinced to be a test pig for proptotypes! :cool: ...JK, actually my rig is a long way from being ready for that kind of abuse. Will I ever get it done? Ahhh, I smell welding in my very near future... smells good doesn't it...


Bronco Guru
Jan 27, 2002
Troy, NY
Jon why don't you make this a sticky thread for a few weeks? Give everyone a chance to see it.


Jr. Member
Apr 15, 2004
Bismarck, ND
I got in on both the coil mass buy and the long arm buy from last month. The guys at Cage are great to work with and very nice! I cant wait to receive my long arms and then get everything installed. Cant wait to see what they come out with in the future!


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
N.FloridaBronc said:
Aww Man!! That is just way too cool. I'm sure I won't be the only one watching this company closely for updates.

I know you both have been around for quite some time. Drew, I remember reading input from you back on the EBML a few years back and your ideas and opinions always seemed interesting and based in the real world. (This is the same guy right?) Anyway, it's great to have a place like this where it all kinda comes together.

So keep us posted on new releases from CAGE. Heck I could even be convinced to be a test pig for proptotypes! :cool: ...JK, actually my rig is a long way from being ready for that kind of abuse. Will I ever get it done? Ahhh, I smell welding in my very near future... smells good doesn't it...

Yes, I'm the same Drew. Over the last 7+ years I've been on EBR, EBML, ECBR, BroncoFix, EBEast, and several others. It's a small Bronco world ;)

I'm looking forward to installing some of the CAGE coils and arms in the next week or two for another MEB and CB member. I'll take pics....... :)


Bronco Guru
May 23, 2004
Vancouver, WA
Anyone already have the coils installed? I'm looking for a softer set of coils for mine that will articulate better. I might take a drive over there this afternoon.


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
iwlbcnu said:


were you one of the ones who got their coils installed jsut before the mass buy ended at the end of July? I know some people were asking for feedback then,but they were so new,most had not installed them, then a couple guys got them on posted about them a few days before it ended.

Have you flexed it or wheeled it yet to compare?


Bronco Guru
May 23, 2004
Vancouver, WA
I went ahead and went out there today (Or rather since it's late at night yesterday) and picked up a set. First words out of Jim's mouth were. "Last time I saw you it was at SOB" (Or something to that effect) I did flex it a bit but I think I still need some work up front elsewhere. It definately is an improvement though. I love the way they ride and corner though. When cornering they roll over to a certain point and then stop right there for stability.

FWIW, He has a few new products lined up that we discussed a little. I plan to get a couple of them when they come out. (Shock hoops and rear springs)

For anyone debating between the Cage stuff and others I highly suggest going with Jim's stuff. He seems very commited to putting out a better product than anyone else and so far he seems to be successful at doing so.

On a side note I found out that we both worked in the same shop and almost crossed paths several years ago. More specifically we both worked at Richardson Bros. 4 Wheel Drive before it went out of business (The owner was just starting Warrior Products when I was there which are still being sold). Jim Cole started working there shortly after I left. Recalling some of the custom work we did there I'm not surprised with his capabilities. (I recall building 4WD school buses and 4WD ambulances while I was there)

BTW, While I didn't discuss it with him I'm guessing that it wouldn't take much to get another mass buy going. Even if not the regular price seems to be a great deal.


Bronco Guru
Nov 1, 2001
Drew, no I just got them last weekend. I have only driven on the street which was a big improvement over the stiff springs I had. That basically is my street truck even though I have scared all 4 wheels the weekend before :mad: when I was a little mis lead about a trail and my other truck was disabled. I don't have long enough shoucks yet to do much w/ this one.


Bronco Guru
May 23, 2004
Vancouver, WA
I went out yesterday and put mine to the test on the trail. Compared to the Superlift (I think) coils that were under mine is is a huge difference. Enough so that I need to get longer shocks now. (It will need to be something other than Rancho's since I already have the longest ones they sell) I'm even thinking about going to a 4 link in the back with another set of these coils now.


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
Jeff, glad to hear you noticed an improvement. They should be like night and day from stiff Superlift, Skyjacker, etc. coils. Compared to others like WH and BC, there is probably not as much difference until your flexing, cornering hard or bottom them, then the progression will come into play.

Saddleup, which Rancho are you running? I have the older RS9012'a and they are plenty long and my rig flexes quite a bit. I just looked at the Rancho Specs and they list quite a few in the old RS 5000 and new RS9000X line in the 14" + travel range. They also list one I was not familiar with, the RS99036 that has 15" of travel!

There's llikely better shocks out there, but if you're otherwise happy with the Rancho's, they probably have one long enough since I'd be really surpirised if your using a full 14" or 15" of travel having just gone from some stiff coils. Heck, lots of guys with copilovers buy the 14" travel since that's all they can actually use. If your only maxxed on extension, you may be able to relocate your mounts if there is unused travel during compression. I always install a zip tie on the shock shaft down towards the shock body. This way I can see what the maximum compression travel was during real world use on the trail, simply look at the end of the day to see how far up the wiper pushed the zip tie then push it back down to check again another time.


Bronco Guru
May 23, 2004
Vancouver, WA
Broncitis said:
Jeff, glad to hear you noticed an improvement. They should be like night and day from stiff Superlift, Skyjacker, etc. coils. Compared to others like WH and BC, there is probably not as much difference until your flexing, cornering hard or bottom them, then the progression will come into play.

Saddleup, which Rancho are you running? I have the older RS9012'a and they are plenty long and my rig flexes quite a bit. I just looked at the Rancho Specs and they list quite a few in the old RS 5000 and new RS9000X line in the 14" + travel range. They also list one I was not familiar with, the RS99036 that has 15" of travel!

There's llikely better shocks out there, but if you're otherwise happy with the Rancho's, they probably have one long enough since I'd be really surpirised if your using a full 14" or 15" of travel having just gone from some stiff coils. Heck, lots of guys with copilovers buy the 14" travel since that's all they can actually use. If your only maxxed on extension, you may be able to relocate your mounts if there is unused travel during compression. I always install a zip tie on the shock shaft down towards the shock body. This way I can see what the maximum compression travel was during real world use on the trail, simply look at the end of the day to see how far up the wiper pushed the zip tie then push it back down to check again another time.
Nice tip on checking upward travel. (I'll do that next time I take it out) I'm running the 5012's in front. (14" of travel) There is no doubt I had them fully extended. (I got out and checked it with the tire hanging) As to being fully compressed I have about 5" of up travel available. Not certain though how much I am using although there is definately more distance than that between the bump stops and the frame. (When we were at Sand Lake would have been the best time to test this since I nailed a few of the wash boards pretty hard) After having driven it a bit with the softer springs I think I'm going to look into an adjustable shock. Something I can turn up a bit for highway use and then back off on the trail. I may give Jim Cole a call or run out there again and find out what kind of travel the springs are capable of and then go from there for shocks. As to how much travel I am currently using I would hope it is getting close to that which is what I have set it up for. (At the very least it should have a good bit more travel than the stock suspension would) The reason for changing springs in the first place is that there wasn't any reason left for it to stop at 32 on the ramp other than the springs. (I'm shooting for somewhere between 36 and 40) The only thing left now (other than possibly changing either the shocks or shock mounts) that I can do is to go to a wristed housing (Not sure if that will stand up to the abuse I would give it) or to pull the extended arms back off and go to a wristed arm. (Though I would be concerned with the arm folding under either torque or braking)

Might be getting a bit off topic but I welcome any additional tips or suggestions.

Hmm.. On review it looks like the 5036 or 9036 may give me an extra inch or so of travel. I think I'll still look at a change in brands anyway.
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