Bronco Guru
Instead of sending personal emails, did anyone find where Rick moved to? I have not heard from anyone in a while, thinking that I have been robbed!
uhhh in or on?![]()
Boy! am I glad I am not Rick Halle!!!!
All of this looking for Rick stuff got me curious and I decided to google him. I almost laughed when I found what I did. I know Rick was into computer programming so I assume the "Rick Halle" they are talking about is the same. Here is a quote I found in a forum about some software for "Sims" that he made.
"I am afraid that Rick Halle's availability has always tended to go in spurts over the years he's been known to Simming. It's not generally known why. People should take this into account when purchasing."
It looks like he doesn't just screw the bronco community. He has screwed everyone. I cant believe his website is still up!