I am running the Duff hoop that is for non body lift and yes i faced the hose towards the fenderwell and I drilled another hole closer to the tube on top of the shock hoop. There is a bracket that the top of the shock mounts onto the hoop, i just put another hole there to move the shock farther away from the fender well.
TJK74, i had duals on the front both 7100's one with the remote resevoir and one w/o. I shock in front of the sring was limiting the travel so i took it off and now am only running one bilstein. The one w/ the resevoir and the valving is something like 360/80......its a little soft, but ist only street drivin for now so it sorks fine. If i were to do it again, id buy a differnt hoop where both the shocks are behind the spring and run no resi shocks.