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Bronco Insurance (theft)


Sr. Member
Dec 17, 2001
dose anyone have their Bronco insureded for theft, more than bluebook?

If so who do you have and did you have to get your bronco apprised?

My insurance wont insure my bronco for more than bluebook. and since its off the bluebook thats about $500


Sr. Member
May 31, 2006
There are several insurers that have an agreed value so you tell them how much you want it insured for and then they tell you how much it costs and what the limitations are for use.Do a search for a agreed value policy on google.


Sr. Member
Mar 30, 2004
"Stated Rate Policy"

All insurance companies are shit. All of them will screw you. The only way around this is to use a premium company like "Chub", but this will cost you an arm and a leg. For my purposes, Chub is not really worth the expense.
Now that I have prefaced my statement let me tell you what I think is the best option. This may not be an option for a tricked out trail rig with 20K of goodies in the drivetrain, but may be a good option for a nice stock rig. Get yourself a "Stated Rate Policy". To do this, ask your insurance guy about one. He will tell you you need a 3rd part appraisal of your truck. After you get this written appraisal (it may cost $50-$150.00 for it) you forward it to your insurance company. This is the amount of insurance coverage you purchase for your rigs replacement.


Bronco Guru
Aug 27, 2007
New York
Hagerty doesn't ask questions except how much do you want it insured for.

TM Toys

Sr. Member
May 9, 2007
Barboursville , VA
when I brought my EB last year it came w/ a Appraisal from {Auto Appraisal Group INC. 800-848-2886} . So when I called State farm ,she asked me to bring booklet by ,they made copies and boom done deal... As of now 68 is insured for $7500. , will be getting another one done soon. I've spent that plus over the last few months. EB { extra budget }!!! good luck .


Old Guy
Dec 13, 2002
For a long time, Allstate would not do a State Rate, or Stated Value policy, but last year, I questioned my agent again, and now I do have what is, in effect, a Stated Value policy. The only difference is that, if that time should come when I need to collect on that policy, I need to provide reciepts for all the parts that will prove the value I've stated.


Bronco Guru
Feb 15, 2005
I recently dumped State farm after 16 years, largely because they were jerking me around about my Bronco insurance.

Our homeowners was through All State, so we talked to them. Our agent asked a bunch of questions, came out to the house and took a bunch of pictures, then sub'd it out to Hagerty for my suggested value of 8K. It doesn't even run yet. I will raise the amount when I'm done. I was very up front and honest about everything, and my primary concern was theft. Best of all, it was CHEAP!


Bronco Guru
Nov 12, 2001
A Get yourself a "Stated Rate Policy". To do this, ask your insurance guy about one. He will tell you you need a 3rd part appraisal of your truck. After you get this written appraisal (it may cost $50-$150.00 for it) you forward it to your insurance company. This is the amount of insurance coverage you purchase for your rigs replacement.

I did the same for my 'Cuda.
State Fram picked up the tab for the appraisal for me though.
I have also had it reappraised every 3-4 years.


Sr. Member
Mar 5, 2005
I'm going through this right now with St Farm. Paid 13k for a rig I feel is worth 15k but I want insurance coverage for 18k (not much more expensive per year than 15). My agent is running it up the ladder to underwriting and said I might get shot down for trying to over insure it. They require pics which I've sent and they have mentioned that I may have to get an appraisal......unless they agree to insure it for 18.

The reason I want it at 18 is becuase it's uncut, original, should only increase in value and I looked for darn near 2 years to find an EB this nice and if I total it or it's stolen I want to replace it within months versus having to take another 2 years of searching to find an EB in such good shape. I should know in the next couple days.

I didn't even think about there being a difference between damage and theft, is there a difference? Now I've got another call to make.

Who is best appraiser, anybody have reccomendations? I'm in VA if that helps.


Seatbelt Orifice Officer
Sep 28, 2006
World Headquarters
Right now, mine doesn't live in a garage. Is there any EB insurance that will cover it if it's not garaged? I have all kinds of theft deterrant / security measures.

Man, I need a garage!!!


Bronco Guru
Oct 17, 2006
I talked to the Hagerty reps at Barrett Jackson on Sunday and I'm goingto be looking into it. One thing did concern me, and those of you that have Hagerty please PM me with the details, but they told me that they won't insure my '73 if it sees any offroad use.

I currently have American Family insurance full coverage on it and to get what I feel is "full value" coverage I need to get an appraisal. They gave me the info for their "guy" but I'll likely get a second one on my own to verify. Once that's done, supposedly, they'll cover the EB for the full appraised value.


Bronco Guru
Oct 24, 2006
The thing to look out for with Hagerty and American Collectors Insurance (who I have mine covered with - for now) is that they stipulate that the vehicle is a collector car that gets driven a minimal amount of miles and is primarily a weekend/show car that lives in a garage. They do not cover off road vehicles used off road.

I am keeping American Collectors as my insurance until my rig actually runs. For now I just want it covered in case somebody figures out a way to steal the thing.


Early Bronco Student
Jun 18, 2001
I talked to the Hagerty reps at Barrett Jackson on Sunday and I'm goingto be looking into it. One thing did concern me, and those of you that have Hagerty please PM me with the details, but they told me that they won't insure my '73 if it sees any offroad use.

How will they know if it was offroad. :-X


Bronco Guru
Aug 3, 2006
They do not have to know.

How will they know if it was offroad. :-X

How will you explain the roll over damage. Or how the thieves got it out of you garage without damaqing the garage. Or why some one is 400 miles from your house is filing against them for damages and personal injury when you were not supposd to be driving it except to club functions. Or why the state inspection sticker shows more milage every year than you are allowed.

If they want to denigh your claim they just will. Then its lawyer time and you will not have much of a chance.

Thay all have fine print that will make it a waste of your money if you ever need it. I have tried for years. I do not park mine in a garage, I do drive offrtoad. I put on too many miles and rarely attend a club function.

I gave up finding somethng in texas, and have challenged anybody to send me a texas policy that will let me have full coverage, at stated or appraised value without restrictions. I am pretty sure if any body ever comes up with one it will cost so much I could save a coulpe of years premiums and have my stated value.

Do yourself a favor and save money.

DO NOT LISTEN TO THE AGENT WHEN HE SAYS YOU ARE COVERED. He wants to sell a policy. What he says now will mean nothing in a year or two when you might need the insurance. Read the policy and the fine print before hand and make sure you can abide by the limitations. DO NOT FIGURE YOU CAN DECIVE THESE PEOPLE WHEN SOMWETHING HAPPENS. They make you fight for what is rightfully yours just wait and see what happens if they think you did not opey the limitations.


Full Member
Dec 21, 2006
Bryan, Tx
When i first got insurance from Hagerty the asked my what i valued the vehicle at we started at 12,000 just received my new policy from them and the sugested that i up it to 15,000. I have not had any claims on my cars but a friend had a wreck that totaled his car and he had a check from Hagerty in about two weeks

70 sport WA

Sr. Member
Nov 1, 2003
I gave up finding somethng in texas, and have challenged anybody to send me a texas policy that will let me have full coverage, at stated or appraised value without restrictions. I am pretty sure if any body ever comes up with one it will cost so much I could save a coulpe of years premiums and have my stated value.

I may have one...I've got insurance for my 70 Bronco through Safeco (a Seattle, WA company) and it's the "stated value" I gave them. I know, "stated value" ain't the best route but it's better than Blue Book like Allstate wanted to give me. And I actually have homeowners insurance with another company. I don't recall them asking about things that might be restrictions ("Do you off road the vehicle?" or "Is it garaged?") I called a couple months ago to add my 67 Mustang and they only asked what my stated value was.

I'll have to check but I seem to recall that the premium was something like $175-200 per year for each, which would be about double what I'd pay for Haggerty or another classic car insurance. I'd rather have the ability to drive it when and where I want without worrying about those folks making an issue of mileage.

I do also have a 93 Civic that's considered my primary car, probably why the other cars' rates are reasonable.

DO NOT LISTEN TO THE AGENT WHEN HE SAYS YOU ARE COVERED. He wants to sell a policy. What he says now will mean nothing in a year or two when you might need the insurance.

I hate to say it but I've heard enough horror stories about claims not being processed or coverage an owner thought he had wasn't there...to dismiss this statement too quickly. lWe'd better ask a lot of questions and get things in writing for possible problems in the future. Document as much as you can.


Bronco Guru
Aug 15, 2001
I have Hagerty on my 68 Cougar and asked about the Bronco...they won't cover any off road. Sooo...my recently totalled 74 Bronco had full coverage on it from USAA....stay tuned for what they pay out....a phone message said even with a $1,000 deduct, it will be substantial.....go to my roll over thread for updates.....