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bronco prices too much or too little??


Bronco Guru
Sep 6, 2006
Saint Cloud

Here is one for you guys! How many of you have looked at Broncos for sale on EBAY? Do you believe the prices that they are asking for them these days? I just wanted to see if you guys felt the same as I do; these prices are outrageous. I mean I am a BRONCO fanatic, I have two of my own, I have had many others over the years, I just do not see where these prices are coming from.


Bronco Guru
Jul 14, 2005
I think its the Harley thing all over...rich guys are willing to pay it, then everyone thinks THEIR bronco is worth that also...

Then again-I dont think I would sell mine for less than $15,000;D Chuck


Bronco Guru
Jun 20, 2001
Some of the prices seem pretty stiff. I've sold broncos on ebay over the past 7 years and never seemed to get more than a fair price for them.

I did however, make my very first ebay bronco purchase lately. I couldn't pass it up. I think I did pretty good on it considering.


Sr. Member
Sep 13, 2004
Torrance, CA
What I've found is that most of them don't end up selling because the seller has their reserve set too high and the bidders aren't wiling to go that high. If the sellers can get top dollar, more power to them...you can only blame the buyers.

Hey, I'm all for the prices going up on these things. It just makes mine more valuable.


Bronco Guru
Aug 3, 2006
Whatever the market will bear. They have always seemed to cost more than they were worth. I looked at buying one in 1982. I ended up buying a new small truck for just a little more than a used 75 was going to cost.

Wish I had bought the 75.

When I bought my first jeep in 1987, I looked at several Broncos in worse states of repair than any of the jeeps yet they cost 2 to 3 times as much.

The supply is dwindling. The cost will continue to stay high. They have always commanded a higher than normal price because they are COOL, and that will probably not change.


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
IMO its all relative. There are some overpriced turds out there that some folks are trying to cash in on by selling to uneducated buyers, but for the really nice Broncos that come up for sale, they are usually worth every penny.

I do not think the Stroppe that recently sold for $45K was overpriced if it was as nice as it looked (which I beleive it was since Todd Z. confirmed that).

Its all about supply and demand and since there are less and less EB's each year, they are becoming more collectible. As more folks who always wanted one as a kid or a teen reach a point in their lives where they have more disposible income to spend on such luxuries, the prices will go up even more.

The Broncos prices are not anywhere close to what muscle car prices have skyrocketed to, and there should be more muscle cars out there since they were not wheeled in mud and snow and left to rot like many EBs were.

The days of nice $1000 Broncos are over. Its just a cycle like anything else collectible and the Early Bronco is finally getting its turn. It is not a bad thing at all IMO.


Bronco Guru
Oct 17, 2006
I like that the prices are going up for our beloved EB's because I've got one...if I was in the market to buy one I'd most likely either be forced to buy something in real need of work or go without. The demand dictates the pricing so those of us that have 'em can set the bar.

My wife took mine to the local "gourmet grocery" to pickup some stuff and when she came out there was a note under the DS wiper blade. It said: "I love this Bronco....if you ever want to sell it please call me!" and had a guys first name & phone number. Out of courtesy & curiosity I called the guy to thank him for his interest and tell him it wasn't for sale. Turned out, the guy was an active NFL player that had always wanted an EB and he said he flipped over mine. I was flattered but still not swayed to sell. I did tell him about a few places that sell good EB's and that he might check them out. He called me back soon thereafter to thank me and let me know that he had one "in the works"; he was excited that he was getting a "built" Bronco for under $30K. Made me think I should've given more thought to selling mine to him!


all knowing of nothing
Jun 2, 2006
I just sold one of mine on e-bay. I've had a few and know what they are worth. I was lloking to get around 2000, ended up getting 1350. oh well, good solid rig for the money. I have looked at others and they do think they are worth the moon.

hillbilly delux

Jr. Member
Feb 3, 2007
West Point, MS
Supply and demand my friend................limited supply. I have the notion to buy up some broncs around here and sell em. I can get about 3 or 4 for 10,000 total. Let me know if your looking, because some of these guys dont advertise there bronco for sale. Maybe i can point you in the right direction.



all knowing of nothing
Jun 2, 2006
Count me in, ya never know. A buddy of mine lives down there, could make a weekend of it.


Bronco Guru
Feb 21, 2003
Newark CA
You know I think it all depend on what your buying and the overall condition.
I bought mine back in 89 and plunked down a whopping 5700 for it. All bone stock from the original owner with 35k on it and it had been garaged for 10 years. This was a big chunk for a bronco back then but after looking at a bunch of molested, rigged up piles of junk with well over 160k on them that were fetching $3500 back then I figured it was worth it. Now it I tally up my reciept book just for the lat 5 years that I have been making mods and upgrading parts I come up with close to 22K that I have sunk into my rig. Now if I was to sell it would I get that out of it....Heck NO. But I think many sellers when they put there rig up for sale are in a money bind and are trying to recoupe every penny they can.
So I guess it comes down to supply and demand and what that particular rig is worth to a buyer and if its what he has been looking for. ;)


Bronco Guru
Jan 19, 2004
To add a couple to the good points posted-I saw the biggest "jump" in '06. We found my wife's '66U14 in early '06 after looking off and on for 2 years..... With that said I looked at most posted adds regularly, anyway, I posted on this forum about a pile of junk that was over priced on ebay. Got several interesting comments about my post including, "cool, makes the value of mine go up"..... I agree with the original post-prices are up a bunch on ebs in general. The only thing that annoys me is the price less than "descent/good" resto mods bring. As was posted earlier, less informed buyers, money to spend etc....


Jr. Member
Mar 6, 2007
Oahu / LA / DC
A bit sad really............

Seems the expectations from what I see on Ebay is every Classic Bronco is $10k.

It didn't used to be that way. But , I come from a belief of an honest days pay for an honest days work.

I don't have a car I can work on now. Each car needs a specialist. I miss being able to turn a wrench and just mess around.

Pretty soon all these boomers will talk the fun out of that too.


Full Member
Sep 28, 2006
Hood River, Oregon
I agree that it is all relative. The same thing is happening to all of the collector cars like mustangs, cudas, chargers, etc...

If you look at what car complanies are doing with their sportier models you could almost say that we are back in the muscle car era. American car companies are now turning out cars that keep up with ferrari and lambo. People are interested and rather than get a new rig for 45-70k. Why not pay for a nice finished classic muscle car or bronco.

I do believe that the prices are very high, but prices on everything are going up and all it does is make your rig more valuable...


all knowing of nothing
Jun 2, 2006
a buddy of mine drives an all original '73 Scout II everyday (summer) Bought it from a guy who buys old rather eclectic cars. All from Oregon. This thing is in amazing shape, looks restored. When asked what he paid, he told me " a quarter of what a new one would cost me" Paid alot? yes, but he doesn't like new stuff, won't pass one everyday on the way to work, and loves being different. He also knows the value will go up on it as well. It's really coll when you do see it coming down the road.


Bronco Guru
Aug 3, 2006
A bit sad really............

It didn't used to be that way. But , I come from a belief of an honest days pay for an honest days work.

I disagree. It has always been that way you just weren't looking. 32 Fords have always commanded a much higher price than a 31 model A or a 33. Why have all Ford cars of the era always commanded higher prices than chevys, pontiacs, dodges etc.

In 1982 I looked hard for a Bronco. The best I could find was a 75 for $3000. It Probably sold new for somewhere between $3000 and or $3500 dependent upon how well he bargained.

In 87 I bought a Jeep for $900, I also looked for bronco's then and the best I could find was totally trashed for $1500. No where near the condition of the Jeep.

For those of us that do the work ourselves this market is a great thing. You can actually get your money back out of a vehicle and that almost never happens.


Bronco Guru
May 6, 2005
Keep in mind that the Bronco is the most searched for classic auto on many of the top collector car web sites like www.traderonline.com.

I bought a 69 Convertible RS Camaro in 2000 for $19,000 and sold it in 2006 for $32,000 to a classic car dealer that sold it for $35,000 on week later.

The values are going up more so over the past 4 to 5 years than before. The question is do you think they will ever go down.
The baby boomers that are retiring have the money and want the toys but keep in mind the X and Y generation also loves them but may not be able to afford them.
Just look at the movie the fast and the furious. Among all of the imports were muscle cars right next to them.

My only worry is what will happen if or when it will be hard to find gas to feed these engines. Guess we could all convert to Bio diesel or Hydrogen engines to keep them going.