blue bronco66
Jr. Member
Heres the deal. i used to have nice paint. then i put boggers on and from throwing rocks up, my clearcoat began to flake off. So then i went down some scrub oak quad trails and my paint is really trashed now. ive always wanted to wrap my truck in camo.i did some research and found out it holds up well to scratches. or at least hides them better lol. well i ordered max4 camo and so begins the prepping. i removed the mirrors then the side lights. the buckets for the side lights were glued in by previous owner who put fg body on.i tried to remove them but they just broke into little tiny pieces. so i priced new ones and decided im going to do away with the side lights as my bronco is a 66 anyway. im bondoing and fiberglassing the holes. im painting the grill flat black. the rest will be camo. i removed the blinker lights,and for giggles i put in a pair of 66 lenses i had laying around.after seeing them in i really like them.but modifying how they will mount is gonna be tricky as my grill is fiberglass.(no little tabs to bend in). ill try to update as i go.