I kind of ignored the oil pan issue because it didn't make sense. The power valve hangs off the bottom of the float bowl. A leak would sit on top of the intake. It would never get to the crank case. New power valves for Holleys work on Ford carbs and are usually better quality besides being available at O'Rielly etc. Fuel going through the power valve can only go to the booster venturi with the fuel that passes through the jets. The power valve cover can leak and that was what I addressed. Fuel in the oil likely comes from the mechanical fuel pump. But that's rare because the pumps have a hole to let fuel out before it can get to the crank case. That hole would spray the front of the oil filter on small block Fords.
My thought was that the fuel was leaking past PV seal to the vacuum side of the PV and filling the cover. The hole that the supplies the vacuum to the valve of course leads to the intake. Whether that is what is getting into the crankcase, I'm not sure. From what you all are telling me, it looks like I may have two problems.
I'm currently running the following test: I disconnected and plugged the filter at the carb. Then I removed the cover from the carb while it was still installed on the intake. Of course, it was mostly empty after about a week after last started. I then filled the bowl until the float came up. I have already drained the oil pan to a slow drip and left the drain plug out and then put a clean container to catch what comes out overnight.
My thinking is that this will remove the fuel pump from the equation. If I get significant amounts of gas in the drain container then that should prove the carb is the source of the leak, if not then I'll take a hard look at the fuel pump.
If there is no gas in the catch container, and it looks like it might be the pump, does anyone know of a practical way to test the pump for leaks? I would rather not take it off if possible since I would have to take the PS pump off. Maybe leaving the line loose at the carb and filling the line while still connected to the pump and seeing if anything drains out of the pan into the catch container?