OK people, Gray ASKED for period correct, so that is obviously what he is looking for. Not for common local parts store replacement parts.
Some of us like to do restorations factory original and/or period correct when we go all in on these projects. Honestly, on many of these, once you get so far with it, to not spend the time or money on these details just does not look right.
Sure, there are redesigned parts and parts made from better or more modern materials, but when doing an *original* restoration, that is not the goal and really not an option, so instaling stainless steel worm screw hose clamps and a corrugated or blue silicone upper radiator hose and a yellow top optima battery on an otherwise original build would just look like dogshit IMO.
Gray, check out Marti in the link Scott posted above.
Carpenter makes some good stuff, and some is shit or has been headed that way in recent years. Reproduction or performance aftermarket from Bronco specific vendors, I have had fit and finish issues with lots of it. It is a nature of the beast unfortunatly.
However, when you are doing it original, you really do not have much in the way of choices: Refinish what you have or another used part, buy NOS if you can locate it, or buy repop. That is it. This is what makes doing an original build much more challenging in many ways since you do not have lots of creative options to work around certain items during the build and still have it fit the look of the build.
We also use these places and some others for parts that were used on other Ford models or for parts that are as close as you can get.
A few pics during one of our builds with some of the small details most never notice, but those who are into original / period correct do. Many of the items people will never even see, but we know they are there butfinding OEM/NOS parts or putting original markings back on during the build is part of the fun to us.
I am by no means saying this is the only way to build a Bronco, but if it is the style you choose, then you need to commit and do what it takes to find the correct parts or the absolute closest that is available. Otherwise it is like having the beautiful chick show up for a date in a really hot dress and when she goes to give you a hug and a kiss it looks like she has an English Sheepdog under each armpit!