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I am not sure how to remove the headlight, and heater knobs they don't have the Allen screw like the other two how do I get them off. I am taking dash off
on the headlight there is a button on the back of the switch towards the back on top - depress and pull hard if it has been on there a while. The knob comes out with the shaft. The heater knobs (each side of the switch?) do not come off they need to be unscrewed from the back (retaining nut) and the cables disconnected from the heater core and switch under the hood- they come out as an assy. It's been a while since I did it but pretty sure I am on track.
If you are looking to just replace the knob itself you will actually have to cut the old one off. I just did it and I'm trying a couple different looks.
Jon by cutting them doesn't that leave more of the assembly shaft out more when I put on your own knobs? Does that cause light to stay on some or heater temp etc
If you are looking to just replace the knob itself you will actually have to cut the old one off. I just did it and I'm trying a couple different looks.