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I've tried numerous times to remove the knobs and switches from my '77 dash and having no luck. Any tricks you guys have that you don't mind passing along? Thank you... George
What’s the issue you’re running into? There’s some tech articles and other threads that give a breakdown on the process knob by knob. Most of the knobs are held in place with a hex key set screw. There’s a special tool to remove that internal nut on many of the bezels, but small needle nose pliers work as well.
I've been able to get one or two off with the hex screw. I did see there look like a special tool needed to remove the internal nut, finding the tool is another issue. I'll try needle nose. I looked in my '77 shop manual and it wasn't too specific on how to remove the knobs and switches. Looks like one of the knobs is spring loaded on the back side and have to push in and turn. Thank you...
I've been able to get one or two off with the hex screw. I did see there look like a special tool needed to remove the internal nut, finding the tool is another issue. I'll try needle nose.
Needle nose look like they'll work... But didn't for me. Plus I didn't want to scratch things up.
I made one out of a 1/4" drive, 1/2" deep socket from the big box store. $4 and a little work with a grinder later, I had something adequate for my purposes.
I removed the knobs and switches. Thank you for all that chimed in, it really helped and much appreciated. Now the question is, repair the dash and keep it for originality. Keep it and start with a new dash. Boils down to the all mighty dollar.
Needle nose look like they'll work... But didn't for me. Plus I didn't want to scratch things up.
I made one out of a 1/4" drive, 1/2" deep socket from the big box store. $4 and a little work with a grinder later, I had something adequate for my purposes.