Sand are going to ahve to completely sand through the gel coat to glass the pieces back together after you cut it anyway... Gel coat is overrated anyway; we never use it when we build glass structures.
PS What time you showing up here, OX?...I need to warn everybody.
Put what back together? Cutting off the edges @ an angle and thats it. If it's that flimsy after that, may screw 2 small pieces of angle on the edges.
Warn?, I haven't eaten any of the foods in a couple days that usually cause ecological disasters, or did you mean the fact that I'm old (still not as old as you) and cranky when it's 100 out and I don't get my afternoon nap??
BTW, blowing out of here 3am, should be there between 7-8.
How long will it take to hook up the AC, since I won't have anything to do till the rears are out (or do I have to take them out too

Gees, I'm now hijackin my own thread.............%)