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Ok, so I came across a good deal on a hardtop for an early bronco. I recently bought a 66 roadster that came with no top and no doors although it does have the button snaps along the bed rails, tailgate and also along the door inserts for a soft top and soft doors. I was wondering if a hard top would mount onto my roadster with little or no modifications. I'm new to the bronco scene and learn something new everyday about them. I'm only wanting a hard top for the cold winter days although we rarely experience those here in South Texas. I would love the hard top but then again I don't want to drill unnecessary holes for mounting the hard top. Another solution would be to find a soft top that will work with the existing button snaps that are currently on my bronco. Would a Kayline brand soft top work? Maybe I'll break loose get both tops and swap them out seasonally. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!