Well, got it started today. Found some issues also. First off I wanted a tach I could read in the engine compartment so I went looking for a dwell meter at the local parts houses... First place I went the kid said "I aint ever heard of a weld meter". Then I asked him where the old guy is. Once he pointed me in the right direction I found someone who actually knew what I was looking for. Unfortunately they didn't have one. So off to the next place... Same thing. Where's the old guy?, This one actuall pointed me to a shelf and there it was. I grabbed it and blew the dust off it and was on my way. On the way back home I got 5 gallons of the good stuff to suppliment the old gas in the tank. Got home, fille dthe tank with the 5 gallons I got. Set up the vacuum guage and dwell meter and started the motor. This took a while. Finally started and got to the point whare it would idle pretty well. I quickly got on the adjustments and after a few minutes I checked the temp... Not bad, only a bit over 100 degrees. Kept playing with the adjustments and checked temp again... no difference. So I shut it down. The hoses were pretty stiff so I waited a while to let things cool down. Once cool I yanked the thermostat out and found all kinds of shmegma there. Not to mention some asshat (<-me) installed the thermostat backwards. Well since I have the top end of the cooling system open I figure this is the time to put in the newer radiator. Huh... I doesn't fit in the mounts... too wide by about an inch or less. Now I get to rework the mounts and since I'm at it I figure I'll go ahead and look for a Taurus fan this week and make the needed adjustments while I'm at it.
But while I was able to do some inspecting of the vacuum guage I noticed some fluttering of the needle, then noticed the ticking of a valve (got more noticeable over time). So I guess I'll try some berrymans in the engine and do an engine flush and oil change also. Otherwise everything is bitchen.