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huge thanks to kurt & kevin


Full Member
Dec 24, 2008
goodyear AZ
as many of you may have read i just finished the EFI swap on the bronco . thought everything was fine driving across town it developed a loud ticking noise . took it back to let kurt and kevin take a listen we decided a lifter mustave colapsed . so let the fun begin turns out the cam lobe and lifter were junk so got a new cam (r.v cam for 351 with the H.O firing order) and a set of lifters as many of you know changing a cam in one of these is no easy task even more fun when its 111 degrees outside . ended up needing to replace the timing cover as well the old one had several cracks . we finally ended up getting it to run about 6:30 last night these guys went out of there way to help me find the parts. took time out of there allready busy day stayed way late to help me get it done and make sure all was good. it runs like a raped ape now . i just thought i would share. once again thanks to both kurt and kevin i truly apreciate the help .


Full Member
Jun 18, 2008
Scottsdale, AZ
They truely are great guys. I try and stop by every now and then to shoot the breeze. Lately it's getting to HOTTTT. 106 by 9am today...:eek:


Bronco Missionary
Sep 10, 2008
Funny how a simple upgrade can snowball on these 40 year old vehicles.
Glad we were able to get you back on the road.