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In my continuing Bronco saga, ignition/starting woes


Jr. Member
Dec 21, 2001
Columbia, SC
Ok, I managed to yet again burn up a starter solenoid while trying to fire my bronco up after replacing the carb.<br>Go to napa, get the heavy duty model, slap it on, now the mule won't start from the key switch. I can get it to turn over by applying 12V to the solenoid. <br>My question, does the igntition start position from the keyswtich run through the voltage regulator? Or should I pull the key switch out and look for a problem there.<br>Not very familiar with the wiring for the start position of the key switch, so any ideas are as always greatly appreciated.<br><br>Dan


Full Member
Sep 10, 2001
Austin, Texas
The start line doesn't go through the voltage regulator. <br><br>If your harness is still pretty much original and hasn't been modified, the start line is the Red wire w/blue stripe that runs from the ignition switch to the small "S" terminal on the solenoid. There is a brown wire that runs from the "I" terminal on the solenoid to the "+" side of the coil to provide a full 12v while cranking. If the start wire is on the wrong terminal on the solenoid, the solenoid will never activate. The wire that runs from the ignition switch to the "+" side of the coil is a Red resistor wire that steps down the voltage from 12v down to about 7v or 8v while the engine is running. The Black wire from the "-" side of the coil goes to the points inside the distributor. <br><br>Best thing you can do is replace the points with a Pertronix Ignitor and get rid of that Red resistor wire to the coil-just run a 12 or 14 guage wire from the ignition switch to the coil so it always gets a full 12v.<br><br>Here's a link to my site's Electrical page.