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Knoxville, Sand Mine trail prerun


Sr. Member
Jun 6, 2003
Jacksboro Tn
Just some information about our spring run. We are going to pre-run the sand mine trail this coming Saturday the 22nd. We plan on doing any needed trail repairs to insure everyone has a fun and safe ride for the May 21st ride. Anyone that would like to go along is more than welcome. I've run this trail many times and don't expect too much work to be done. We will meet at Shoney's off the Carryville exit at 9:00am Saturday morning. This should be a fun day with no time limit or anything pushing us along. So we can take our time and maybe hit a few rock climbs and just take in the feeling of being on top of the mountains overlooking the valleys below. May even take some time to check out some of the old sand stone structures and wheel house. Hope to see you there.
For anyone that would like to tow up, there is parking beside Shoney's behind the Amoco gas station.

Thanks, Anthony (aka) Thumping