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Been a member here for many years,and while I've never met any of you fine folks, I consider you all friends. So with that, I want to wish each and everyone of you a Merry Christmas and hopes for a safe and happy New Year. Sam
Awesome sentiments Broncosam, I think there are a good number of folks here on CB that fit your description. Merry Christmas to all our Bronco brothers and sisters, wishing you much joy and peace. Travel safe !
Merry Christmas to all! It's not often you have friends you've never met except on this forum and even then they would help you in an instant. What an amazing brotherhood/sisterhood the EB community is.
Merry Christmas to all! It's not often you have friends you've never met except on this forum and even then they would help you in an instant. What an amazing brotherhood/sisterhood the EB community is.
^^^ Well said, wholeheartedly agree. This site is a gift you get to open everyday. The wealth of knowledge shared is priceless. Thanks to all who contribute their expertise, advice, technical guidance and dang funny comments.
Merry Christmas to you and your families... be they blood, acquired or Bronco!