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MO Micselanius parts

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Full Member
Aug 16, 2005
St. louis, MO
I have some parts sitting around my garage. I need to unload to fund other parts i would like to acquire! All prices are negotiable. Especially package deals.

Np435 square bolt pattern - 100
works but has grinding noise coming from it.

Np435 square bolt pattern - 200
Told it works just fine

Dana 20 - 250
Works just fine

Bc Broncos Np435 adapter plate - 400

One piece door inserts - 300
Decent shape

Bellevue winch - 100
Needs rebuilt

32x11.50x15 mud tires with rims - 150
Tread about 40%, 5 on 5.5 pattern

I know there is more... Will add when i find it!


Jr. Member
Feb 12, 2016
Intrested in winch. Got an idea what shipping would be to 44254
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