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Nice to see previously owned Broncos still alive and well.


Bronco Guru
Dec 13, 2012
I am on to my next EB project, but I have recently seen some of my previous work still on the road or being re-sold. Kinda wonder why the Bronco sells again, but we all have our reasons.

Currently on JBG classifieds is a very nice 1969 Green U14, Half Cab for sale. Built in my shop at home and completed about 4-5 years ago. Really nice Bronco! Wow, does the current owner want so money for it!!!

Saw a 1977 on eBay recently that I built as well. White Ranger with Blue Panels on the outside and Blue, Ranger Houdstooth inside. Really nice EFI 347. Seller wanted ALOT for that one too.

Guess I feel that at least I have saved a few so far. Good to see them on the road still.


Bronco Guru
Sep 13, 2009
I have often admired the '69 U14 (with a sway bar equipped disc brake front), and noticed it sell once before on Ebay....and your right the price keeps increasing. One picture of it in Ebay now, you can see a nice looking turquoise Bronco in the background..

So keep building them so we can admire!


Bronco Junky
Aug 28, 2008
Easton, MD
I often wonder what has happened to a few of the ones I sold.

The 73 sport I started a frame off on and sold two years ago I know a guy from this site got and had done a lot of motor work to it I think he still owns it. He was in NY.

Then I sold a 69 with out a motor a few years ago it had a pretty solid tub sold it to a father and son in PA that were going to restore the tub and put it on a frame they already had. I have no idea what ever happened to that one.

Then I sold a 72 rust bucket a few years ago to a guy in VA that was going to use it as a wheeler never heard anything on that one either.
Glad yours are still kicking around it always nice to se them for sale for more than what you sold them for!


Bronco Guru
Dec 13, 2012
Yep, that's the one. Didn't realize it is on here too.