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NorCal Early Bronco Meeting Info!! Must Read!!!


Sr. Member
May 29, 2003
Well, we had our first meeting tonight at the RT Pizza in Elk Grove. I want to first say that it was great meeting all of you and seeing old faces that I didn't expect as well. Great turn out. The group that showed up was a great one. A nice family atmosphere and a great start.

I think 8 or so broncos were there from a fully restored Stroppe Baja to a narrowed and lengthened four linked rock crawler (very nice I might ad). There were nice daily drivers all ranging in upgrades and ability. Most of the rigs there were at an elevated level as far as upgrades and abilities were concerned.

I will give a brief list of what was discussed and where we expect it to go from here.

1. NON-formal group....definitely. (Shirts, logo, and stickers are a must though!!)

2. Only EB's are allowed. If you have anything other, find another group...sorry no hard feelings... :'(

3. Names for the club were flying around including "Bronco Club" :cool: ...but the one that kept coming up by accident was "NorCal Early Broncos" The "NOR CAL" logo has been played out but what the hell...if you can't beat 'em, join 'em...

4. Web site will more than likely be www.norcalbroncos.com, or close depending on what's available. Web site will have a front page with other pages of info as we see fit. It will also have a forum for us to float around and post pertinent info.

5. No scheduled meetings every month, 3 months, etc. We will meet when we see fit and where we see fit. It might be at a off road park, pub, Rubicon, Suzi's Adult Store, (JK:eek: ), etc. It will not be on a regular basis. That much was clear.

6. Out next pseudo meeting will more than likely be at Prairie City. 20 miles east of downtown Sac. ohv.parks.ca.gov/default.asp?page_id=1221
No date is set as of yet. This is a good place because all who are interested can attend. We will plan other trips with degrees of difficulty later!

Well, if you were not able to attend...bummer. You will have another chance. We plan on heading to Prairie City in month or so. I will keep you all posted.

p.s. We have a Police Officer in our group. Maybe you can persuade him to sign off on your EB fix it tickets!!...just kidding Joe... ;D

edit. the site has been secured and paid for for 1 year!!!

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Jr. Member
Jan 29, 2004
Placerville, CA
It appeared nice although I came in at the end.. the next event at PC would be nice as a family bbq before it gets hotter then hell out there..
zacks dad can email me about the springs


Sr. Member
Aug 27, 2002
Folsom, Ca
One thing to consider before giving out stickers, shirts, etc with the name and logo on it is how do you control the distribution. Do you give them to anyone that just shows up to a meeting or a run? The next thing you know is a guy that showed up to a couple events, gets his stickers and then decides he doesn't want to be part of the group anymore. 2 weeks later he is out running through the meadow at Barrett Lake and people see him doing it with his Nor Cal Bronco stickers on his rig. They automatically assume he is part of your group.

There is a reason clubs ask you to remove their stickers from your rig when you sell it or quit the club. Look at all the problems Pirate has had with letting people purchase the Pirate4x4.com decal. Not the offical club sticker, but 90% of the people wouldn't know that. There needs to be accountabailty and resonsibility in letting someone represent your organization. Its something to think about before you start passing them out to anyone and everyone with an EB.


Sr. Member
May 29, 2003
This is definitely something to think about. I think we will all have a feel for the type of person that would be that irresponsible. I can tell you that it is highly unlikely that any of the first group that met would be a problem. So, hopefully this trend will continue.


Sr. Member
Aug 27, 2002
Folsom, Ca
I am sure most people that would come to these things are responsible, but there always seems to be a bad apple pop up once in a while. I was hoping to make the meeting, but found out on Saturday morning that my younger brother is in serious medial condition down in the Bay and has been hospitalized since Wednesday. I probably won't be able to make a few events for a while as well as finishing up this 5.0 swap until this whole ordeal comes to some sort of conclusion, hopefully for the better.

Mike C

Full Member
Dec 27, 2004
Sacramento, CA
It was a good meeting.

A few of us also made a run up to Iron Mountain road that same day. I posted some pics.
It was a good turnout. Had alot of fun.

Looking forward to the PC get together to do some pre-season testing.