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Not a build! but some ideas


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
ok so i have been dreaming about the "ultimate EB" and came up with just some plans.

build it from the ground up, frame and all.

the above link is for the prototype frame rails (the tan thing is the size of a 4bt cummins). the frame is 12'6" long and is made from 3x4x3/16 steel.

the frame would cost around $400

I would make the floor and just about everything else except for the outer body

all of the external panels would be easily replaceable

the rocker panel and front door post and rear striker post would be just about the only stuff that i would buy to make the "INNER TUB"

it does not seam like it would cost to much by building it myself.

the most expensive part would be buying all of the outer body fenders.

oh yea it would pretty much be built to have low COG and 37's with a 4bt and a lot of travel.

this would not be a buggy, it would be built like a bronco with the power of a cummins and the luxury of a nice truck.
