No affiliation. Typical use car sales babble and no pix of the floors where the mats lay.
Looks like it was painted with a roller. Why is the engine compartment black from the hips down. DSO 71.........L.A
Jimmy, you need to buy it for the hardware!!
Also, ToddZ or someone needs to get paid royalties each time the history of the Bronco is cut and pasted on an ad by the latest Bronco bandwagon jumper seller. WORD!
I was browsing this thread and saw the link for the U13. It's looks like an honest rig. I was a little surprised at all the heater hose plumbing under the hood considering it's a heater delete '66.
THEN, I checked out the '75 Baja and realized in 2 seconds that it's MY old BAJA!!! I owned it when I joined Classic back in 1999!! Hence my UN BajaFresh75! I miss that rig! Power disc brakes and Vintage air...nice, but wasted money on this type of collectible. When I owned it I was running 35x12.50x15 BFG A/T's, which looked 100% better then those Michelin's. The doors and dash were both cut when I got it back in '98.