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Sad news from a fellow bronco owner


Bronco Guru
Jan 17, 2004
Northern VA/DC
All, I am posting an email I just received from a friend here in Northern VA. Chris is OK, but I believe that it is quits for his rig.

Well my friends, today is a very different day

Lately, I have wished that I had my Bronco 5 years into the future - not now. I love the hobby - it fits my personality so well, but it truly does not fit in my life at this time. I have two young boys (and one on the way) and they love to play with Daddy. I love to play with them. Unfortunately, the EB is just not ready to play. It keeps needing parts - it is a very "needy" hobby and it's timing is never in sync with my families financial needs. Though mornings like yesterday (when everything seams to be working perfect) tease me into thinking that I am almost there; I just know better. Don't we all? These are never ending projects. Don't get me wrong, it is ok for a hobby to be needy or time consuming, but only if it fits the rest of the life style.

Working on the truck is usually a joy for me, but then again, I am always pressed for time right now and that is not joyful. When time is available at home, I feel the need to spend it with my family vice working on the truck and so a conflict has emerged. I only have a car port, so my family can not conveniently join me outside to work on the truck (plus parking is an everyday haste). When I am working on my truck, my youngest usually ends up getting locked inside the house so I can concentrate on working fast (in order to be on time with our next family event). With him in the window, working on the truck is not where my heart is. Sure, I long to work on the truck, but I long to be with him more.

Sometimes I wish he was older so he can help me: would I really give up enjoying him now for my own desire to have a truck? Would it be right for me to think this for my unborn son as well? This thought and others like it perplex me - how dare I think them.

The thought keeps coming to my mind: can I not find a satisfying mechanical hobby that my boys could be a part of? I then think: can I store the Bronco for later years because it clearly is not the proper hobby for right now - and it definitely takes away from whatever that proper hobby may be? I have never come up with a plan that works, and days like yesterday, when everything seems to be working right; my mind shifts focus back to me and my own selfish desires vice my family and their best interest. The problem with fantasy is that reality usually enters back into consciousness with a bang.

My bang came at 6:30 last night as I was heading to church in the rain. "Bang" and low and behold I had no right front tire. I am not sure if I hit a pot-hole or what, but my front right tire (and rim) left the Bronco at 55mph on Prince William Parkway - no warning. The road was packed solid with traffic in both directions. We never did see the tire again! Gone - just like that! The truck dove into an endow. As a helicopter mechanic, I understand the forces of nature pretty well - I should have started to cartwheel end-over-end. Instead, I slid on my bumper for a bit before the Lord pushed the rear of the truck back down. Seriously, the fire chief that was right behind me got his first glimpse of my shiny new driveshaft while I was still on the road.

The road turned right and the hub hooked soft ground to the left: I then went into a long sideways slide into the median where I encountered two more miracles: One, I somehow made it past the low point in the median and back up the other side without flipping and two, the truck spun around and headed back down the embankment instead of continuing straight into the oncoming 55mph traffic. The truck was now facing the proper side of the parkway, but I was up the embankment on the opposite side of the median. The truck was still in a slide, but now the driver's side was taking the lead. Since that side was dragging a hub in the dirt and listing by over a foot - the truck finally flipped over.

Before I could get up out of the glass, there were red lights flashing everywhere. For a second, I wondered if I had been knocked out (I was trying to figure out how the rescue squads had already arrived) - then the trailer hitch found it's way out from under the passenger seat (where I store it) and woke me up (bounced off my legs). I stood up with my feet on grass where the drivers side window should have been and turned off the ignition, lights and accessories. A panicked crowed was all around my truck by this time to include the fire chief (and his trucks flashing lights) - my aux tank was dumping fuel and the smell was making them very nervous over my safety. I assured them that I was injury free and out of danger and went about gathering my things - I just needed to take that minute to say goodbye to and old friend.

So, here we are... I wanted to share this with all of you before I made the call to my insurance company. I needed to come to peace with this before I made that call - I needed to be ready to hand the truck over to them instead of being ready to fight for it. The truck still has great potential, but not for me. It will need a new rotor, hub and all those front axel parts, a front left fender, front grill, maybe a hood, hard top (dented but fixable), and drivers side door.

OK, that is it. I am off to make my calls. I will let you know what happens.

Christopher Soliday


Bronco Guru
Jan 7, 2002
Ya I just got that email from Chris too. Scary stuff! Glad he is OK. Chris is a great guy.



Bronco Guru
Jan 17, 2004
Northern VA/DC

I live like 30 minutes from Chris & will try to check in on him & report back.

Poor guy. I think he intends to totally give up on EBs for a while.



Bronco Guru
Jul 8, 2003
Twilight Zone
HE was looking out for you on the way to church. I know it and you know it. Thank God that they are ok. :D

Some tales do not end so well. :eek: Please keep us updated on anything chris may need...I've got some spare parts should he choose to rebuild (he can have them for free). :)



Bronco Guru
May 7, 2002
Pueblo, Colorado
Glad to hear he is O.K. after his fiasco. I to am in the same quandry, We have aa boy who is 2.5 yrs old and anothe ron the way. Is the EB big enough for all of us? I haven`t yet decided if I am going to keep it or sell it and move up to something bigger. We do alot of camping and such. ?:?

Mr Joe

Bronco Guru
Dec 2, 2003
I'm in shock.... Chris is an awesome guy and he'll make it through this. Keep your chin up Chris. You'll be back.....


No more Rock Crawler
Nov 27, 2002
I spent quite a bit of time with Chris at the MEB Roundup last year, quite the fellow. I hope he changes his mind. I understand the time and family issue, my children are just now starting to show more interest in the Bronco and this is after 2 1/2 years.

Chris, Take some time before you retire from Broncos and most of all I'm glad your ok.



No more Rock Crawler
Nov 27, 2002
Here's a picture of Chris and his stepson at the MEB Roundup 2004.


  • DSC00057.JPG
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Bronco Guru
Aug 1, 2001
wow, what a story. glad he had the ultimate co-driver riding along with him.
sorry to hear about this, but more important is that he is ok.
if there is anything we can do, let us know.



Bronco Guru
Jan 17, 2004
Northern VA/DC
I sent Chris an email to come here to feel the love.

I hope to connect with him soon. I am going to offer up my meager welding/restoration skills to him to make sure that he knows it isn't hopeless!!!! Maybe a couple years off, but don't give up!!!!


Sr. Member
Mar 24, 2004
Wow-Any word back to know that he is doing alright. I have had the privaledge of meeting Chris a few times and a great guy he is. I think he should do what he feels is the right decision. Hopefully he will still make it out to a few events-Good luck Chris and thank god you are okay
your bronco bud,


New Member
Jan 6, 2005
Northern VA
Never done this before, so hang with me here.

I am ok. Some small cuts on my fingers and maybe a sprained wrist are all that accompany my broken heart.

I have full-size Bronco rims on a 76 front axel. To gain the proper clearance on the knuckles, a 1/2 inch spacer was used. I am pretty sure that had something to do with the wheel coming off. That 1/2 inch was 1/2 inch less that the lug nuts were threaded.

I can not prove the spacer was at fault, but I did tighten my lug nuts just last Friday taking that out of the question. Just be aware. We may never know: no one saw the tire come off and after an hour of searching, it was never found. May be in orbit - who knows. You all see a tire rolling down 5 in cally let me know.

Buy the way, it was the driver's side that came off not the right as I said in hast this morning. Thanks for all of your kind words.

Bronco's of Northern Virginia


Full Member
Oct 10, 2003
I don't know you but I am glad to hear you are OK. I am sure that you will make the best decision with the truck and family.


Bronco Guru
Aug 27, 2001
Chris,, Sorry to hear of the mishap. I will be thinking if you and saying a little prayer that you are safe. Hope there is a way you can stick with the Bronco, if not, we'll be here for you when its time to do your Bronco work again. Thanks to Mnky for telling us about you. Hope you are all right and things work out for you.


Bronco Ben

Jckofalltrdes master/none
Aug 9, 2003
Coffeeville, Alabama
glad your ok chris, welcome to the board, hope everything works out with the family and stuff, I know during football and T-ball season my bronco sits with NOTHING, no attention, no money spent on it, NOTHING, but the best part is its payed for.........hope you make the right decisions with it all, maybe just step back and let it all rest for awhile, I'm sure the whole family can still enjoy the EB once you get it back rolling (if thats what you decide)!.
Good luck whatever you do, and did I hear it right, you'll soon have a new son to boot?
congrats on that, everyone needs someone or something to love, whether it be a good dog, a good kid or even a good wife.


Bronco Guru
Dec 3, 2003
Stockton, Ca.

Glad you're still with us. I'm with you on the wheel spacer being the cause. My buddy runs an America's Tire here and won't touch a rig with them. Give it some time but it sound like you love Broncos so I'm sure you'll be back at some point. Take care.
