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Slot Wheel Identification?


New Member
Apr 13, 2010
Kalispell, MT
I just could not pass these up at a garage sale....I paid less than what these practically brand new tires (32x11.50) would cost me so it seemed like a good deal for the slots.

Two wheels have a 3" offset and 3" Lip. The only markings on the wheel are a stamp of IMCO and K01A. Here are front and Back pics. Deep dish on Right. I believe these are 15x8.5 although not marked.



Other two wheels, on the left above, have a 3.5" offset, a 2.5" Lip and are marked with 15x8.5 and RJ163 on the back.


Any body have an idea who manufactured these. And...which would be better to mount on the front/back of the Bronco based on the offsets? I have 4-wheel disc brakes and the current slots (15x10 and 3.5" offset) all fit just fine.

The real reason I bought these is that I want to get the US Indy Mags that are currently on the rig refurbished and I needed a second set of wheels/tires to get that done.


Thanks for your help!


Bronco Guru
Oct 16, 2004
I'd put the 3.5s out front and the 3.0s in the back to even out the stance a bit. So many companies made slots back in the day since they were the main mag wheel. Lots of Japanese import knockoffs too. Those look like Westerns, but Western ID'd their wheels with their name on the backside. That US foundry was the source for several brands. I'd just call them a 'nice find' and be done.