$12 makes you a Contributor, same as buying stock, helps keep Admin Jon paying the light bill to keep the place running, and if there is some left over for him to keep I'm cool with that too. $12 isn't bad, low enough even a cheap individual like myself would pay it, and in volume hopefully plenty to cover costs, especially with vendors advertising as well.
I wouldn't appreciate if this site became more commercialized, but I think the ad's for the Bronco vendors and other 4x4 vendors are tasteful, and handy as I frequently use them to jump over to a vendor site to check on parts I need. I can appreciate ad's that serve a purpose, not just being sprayed with spam.
With commercialization will come restrictions, a ton of legal concerns that really make no practical sense (thank corporate America) a load of Moderators without any sense of humor, you'll have to be PC and sugar coat everything you say for the sensitive masses.
This place is great as it is, don't change a thing! I've quit using several boards where administration got too big for their britches, and got more commercialized. Running members off by getting all high and mighty makes for a lonely board full of narrow minded, blindly following sheep, with no broadness of knowledge, and mostly no fun.