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STC Top Rear Panel design


Full Member
May 5, 2005
I am pleased with the STC top with exception of the rear panel. I have a big stiff adjustable bar from roll bar to windshield, and I measured the distance stated in the direction (either 83 or 84" I don't have the directions near me now), and too loose, it comes loose, tight it comes loose, and finally I have to simply ask: The sides have a plastic strip that goes under the alumin bracketry to securely hold, but the rear panel does not, it is merely a thin material strip and it works loose, no matter how tight or how loose.

Bottom line, this rear panel is no good with the rear panel down, it comes loose. I keep mine rolled up as much as possible or in the boot, with top down. Or removed and stored away.

Any comments on the design?


kps74 bronco

Full Member
Nov 6, 2004
south jersey,medford
I have a comment,THE BACK SUCKS,really I want to set it up like the best top so I dont have to drop the bracket to get in and then struggle with that flap getting bunched up so I have to slide the hole thing out of the rear track.It does have a lot of adjustability with the lenght of the hoops by using different holes by that flip bracket thing of a ma bob,got it ,hope so becouse I cant explain it,anyone elas have any ideas .Ken