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Steering Column Removal


Full Member
Aug 1, 2015
Colorado Springs

I am in the process of removing my dash for an install of a Painless wiring harness. I thought I could get dash out without removing column, but believe I was wrong. I have a Toms Family Cage, and there is just not enough room. I have the dash free, but don't think I can get it out. Can someone explain to me the easiest method to get the column out? Would like to tear it down minimally to get it out, obviously. Looking at it from under hood, but can't tell where to split it. If i do it at the rag joint, will the rag joint go thru the firewall. And Bronco is auto, C4, how does that shift linkage separate? I believe if I get column out, dash will come out easy, and go back in with minimal effort.

Thank You


Bronco Guru
Dec 3, 2007
Been a while, but I think the rag joint will go through the hole in the firewall. But I think I would remove the rag joint, then also the steering shaft where it couples (clamps) to the end of the steering column shaft so I'd just be working the column through the dash. Seems that would be easiest regarding getting the steering shaft out of the way and you aren't dealing with it as you slip the column out.
The linkage shift rod should pop out of the bushing at the column.
Two bolts under the cowl area. Remove the bezel around the column at the dash to see those.
Collar holding the rubber boot in place on the inside of the firewall has a few screws holding that in place. Engine bay side there is a clamp holding the column to the collar attached to the firewall in the engine bay side.
Disconnect the reverse switch wire.

It isn't that difficult to get the column out. But several pieces that need to be unscrewed or unbolted for sure.

I have pics of my column out someplace. Will see if those pic will help.


Sr. Member
Apr 17, 2008
maybe it's just been way too long, but I don't remember having to pull the column to get the dash out. Only the steering wheel and turn signal lever.


Bronco Guru
Dec 3, 2007
Mine is a three on the tree, but basically the same.



I found this link to Wild Horses body lift instructions, but they have a good picture of an automatic column, engine bay side and holding the V brace that the column clamps to. You can see with the brace removed what the column looks like and the size of the firewall hole. Click on the V brace pic and enlarge it. In the pic they have the steering shaft and V brace removed. And you would unhook that shift rod. Then move to the inside, remove the bezel and undo the two bolts that go up into the base of the cowl.
Then remove the inside collar and you are ready I think.



Full Member
Mar 18, 2009
Eastern Wa.
You might give it a try with the steering wheel removed and turn signal lever as eric suggested above. I have to pull mine again before to paint the dash and that's the route I will try first.


Sr. Member
Apr 17, 2008
I see now, I read it, guess it just didn't register. I guess my body made it into the office this morning, hoping my brain gets here by at least 10.


Bronco Guru
Jun 11, 2010
Taking the column out is really pretty easy. I've had it out a dozen times with different swaps so maybe I am a little looney. All that matters is you mark where the shaft goes into the rag joint with paint so you can line it back up. You can do this on the box or the column shaft. I take the rag bolt out completely then ply the shaft up and out. Take the clamp off at the firewall then take the bracket off the firewall (use a really long extension to reach them). Then inside unplug the wiring junctions (2 on a 68) then take off the plastic cover on the dash side so you can see in there. Then from the bottom put a socket and a long extension in to reach the two bolts that hold the column in. Once they are out the whole column comes out with the wheel on and I think the rag joint will come through the the firewall too. I'm a little hazy on that.


Bronco Guru
Feb 24, 2002
I painted my dash in place because of the cage being in the way. Masked everything off and used a touch up gun. Even with the column out couldn't remove the dash. Nothing with the dash is easy especially with the heater ducts and hoses in the way.