I have stripped a lot of Corvettes using paint stripper. You need to be diligent about keeping an eye on it. I use the stuff at Home Depot - there are a variety of brands but the "all natural, orange" stuff is useless. The gel stuff that changes color is best. Brush it on and watch it. Once it changes color scrape it off with a plastic putty knife. With the color changing stuff it stops working pretty much on it's own and won't harm fiberglass that is in good shape. Once you get down to the gel coat or sealer you can sand the rest of the way. Once it is scraped off whipe it down with some water. Avoid the aircraft stripper - this will keep going and soften the fiberglass.
If there a lot of paint build up you can sand youir brains out so I like stripper!
Also if there are cracks or breaks in the parts tape them off so stripped does not get into the nooks and crannies.