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My wife has blessed one or the other for now not both. Currently have the engine out resealed and stripped of paint last thing to do is remove and regasket valve covers and stock intake, currently has the stock 2brl sm rv cam
with headers, runs very strong as is. I also know I will need a hood scoop for the new air cleaner (will have to wait a while). or replace the stock main tank with the WH sherman tank ( always wanted the 23 gal tank) the undercaraige is completly re done except the tank. If i get the tank I can get it back together sooner and back on the road. Down 1 year this month. Wish I could just get both and be done. Carb & intake not part of the original plan. What to do ?
with headers, runs very strong as is. I also know I will need a hood scoop for the new air cleaner (will have to wait a while). or replace the stock main tank with the WH sherman tank ( always wanted the 23 gal tank) the undercaraige is completly re done except the tank. If i get the tank I can get it back together sooner and back on the road. Down 1 year this month. Wish I could just get both and be done. Carb & intake not part of the original plan. What to do ?