As usual, and as I've quickly learned about this board, people really provide tons of fast, accurate and overall great advice. However, still no answer to the most important question which SaddleUp originally asked:
Why do you want that much lift?
What size tires do you plan to run? What type of wheelin' do you do? What part of the country?
I've seen picks and read posts from a ton of people here who run 3.5-4.5" suspension lifts, 2-3" body lifts, 36-38" tires and have just SICK amounts of full-range articulation. (In fact, I've read so many good things, and seen so many cool pics re: such combos that I'm going with Chuck's 4.5" springs, Cage's extended arms, Duff's 2" body lift and when my 35s wear down, 36" Radial SSRs or IROKs.)
Seems like that type of combo, and a sawzall for even bigger meats like 39-42s, like Gummi Bear suggested, (ok, maybe 42s are stretch??) and a good driver could handle anything, yet not stress the driveline angles too much or be too ridiculously high as to be completely unreliable and/or unsafe on the road. (But that's assuming you're building an all or dual purpose rig that will see street and trail time.)
My .02, whatever it's worth. Good luck with your decision and post pics when done.