Thanks Steve. I've heard the full hydro guys have flow and severe heat issues unless they go with a well designed mega buck system but never thought of a lightly pressurized system being used for less "full assault" type builds. Great stuff. thx. Would like to see a build like this up close.
I had the Exploder pump and was having the flow issues with it even before the HB. Josh at PSC said the inlet hose dia was the issue. I'm a pump guy and it all made sense so I went to a 12 AN. That cured it but I really didn't like the look of the cheap looking plastic reservoir waving at me when I opened the hood and I was going to move my alum York for the 3rd time as the Exploder ac pump experiment for OBA was over for me. So I built an accessory bracket for the DS, mounted my York on top and the CBR pump below with the design of it to maximize my pump efficiency. So, large dia inlet, large reservoir within 12" and 6" above for good head and after a couple small mods to the CBR style pump it's been working great after I found an oil that didn't scream at 0 deg F. I tried the fancy, schmancy GM designed stuff for oil fields up north and it screamed bloody murder.
TS, thanks for the pressure relief valve link. I like your reservoir pics! I do need to find a prv that will be 100% sealed or at least screened/filtered to the atmosphere before pressure is built up. It looks like the one that's in the pic could have wind blown sand enter the top of the valve when it has to physically open/close?? I currently run a 18-20" length of hose off a 90deg fitting as a vent hose to keep sand and dirt from just being able to work it's way into my reservoir and would do the same for this. Should prevent any issues. Benefit would be a sealed reservoir if it's no longer vertical.
I had the Exploder pump and was having the flow issues with it even before the HB. Josh at PSC said the inlet hose dia was the issue. I'm a pump guy and it all made sense so I went to a 12 AN. That cured it but I really didn't like the look of the cheap looking plastic reservoir waving at me when I opened the hood and I was going to move my alum York for the 3rd time as the Exploder ac pump experiment for OBA was over for me. So I built an accessory bracket for the DS, mounted my York on top and the CBR pump below with the design of it to maximize my pump efficiency. So, large dia inlet, large reservoir within 12" and 6" above for good head and after a couple small mods to the CBR style pump it's been working great after I found an oil that didn't scream at 0 deg F. I tried the fancy, schmancy GM designed stuff for oil fields up north and it screamed bloody murder.
TS, thanks for the pressure relief valve link. I like your reservoir pics! I do need to find a prv that will be 100% sealed or at least screened/filtered to the atmosphere before pressure is built up. It looks like the one that's in the pic could have wind blown sand enter the top of the valve when it has to physically open/close?? I currently run a 18-20" length of hose off a 90deg fitting as a vent hose to keep sand and dirt from just being able to work it's way into my reservoir and would do the same for this. Should prevent any issues. Benefit would be a sealed reservoir if it's no longer vertical.
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