Good question. I have not heard of anybody doing it in a long time.
When I was with Kayline, I suggested it and they actually made some and were going to release them, but then things sort of imploded and they didn’t really get into big production.
I think they did make them for a short time, but availability was spotty and then they disappeared.
Then it became STC, and I think for a short time, even STC was offering them. Or was going to. I can’t say I ever remember seeing a set for STC.
Then it was Rampage and as far as I know, they have never offered them. Or even a hint of them.
But Rampage is also an overseas manufacturer, so it’s hit or miss as to what they will offer.
Unless somebody has an inside track to them, it’s probably gonna have to come from a private party. Unless enough people have been working on them from the outside here, for a long while that is. Who knows? Maybe something will happen.
Or, if somebody can take a zip out window set to a local upholstery shop, they could probably come up with something relatively easily.
Notice I didn’t say inexpensive though!