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Search results

  1. Bitch'nBronco

    Mini Starter

    Had to let the Bald Eagles fly!
  2. Bitch'nBronco

    Mini Starter

    I was so excited I uploaded the wrong thing lol, thanks for all the help
  3. Bitch'nBronco

    Mini Starter

    Finally, victory! The cold start it turned over a bunch of times and I'm able to hear the starter disengage after the engine starts. I think I'm out of the woods! Taking a drive to the liquor store. At least if it breaks there I'll still have a good time lol
  4. Bitch'nBronco

    Blipshift alert thread ⚠️

    I must have been too focused on the Theft thread to notice lol
  5. Bitch'nBronco

    Blipshift alert thread ⚠️

    Like Ared77 said, once a design pops up, its only available for a limited time. Almost all of my Bronco shirts are blipshift shirts at this point lol, its a dangerous addiction.
  6. Bitch'nBronco

    Blipshift alert thread ⚠️

    Figured is start a thread for these since they are popping up fairly often. Here's the one up today...
  7. Bitch'nBronco


    I've heard these have been effective on newer cars, but with how simply wired the Bronco's are I'd guess they wouldn't be as hard to defeat https://www.ravelco.com/
  8. Bitch'nBronco


    Is this the new word association thread? I'll go: clutch pedal
  9. Bitch'nBronco

    Mini Starter

    That makes sense, also wow... you're almost to 50K posts! I remember the smaller numbers when I joined in 05, you've been busy! I appreciate all of your help over the years
  10. Bitch'nBronco

    Mini Starter

    I may go that route, I'm a cheapskate so it's hard to justify... but what's an extra 180 thrown into the money pit at this point lol My neighbor who isn't a car guy was looking at the Bronco and said "Wow, look at all this... must be a fortune into this thing" and i told him "Yep, i hide all...
  11. Bitch'nBronco

    Mini Starter

    I've never had more interest in starter part numbers than I do now lol. I want to know why some have an S or an SV at the end of the part number. I have no desire to become an expert on Ford mini starters, but my curiosity may force me to lol
  12. Bitch'nBronco

    Mini Starter

    The 3223 was called out for a Manual Transmission and 164T flywheel, my first starter was a 3241N which was also called out for the same application as the 3223. It was a super cheap ($60) starter from rock auto, I'm guessing it was just faulty and used it for the core charge for the second...
  13. Bitch'nBronco

    Mini Starter

    Uploading the BCBroncos writeup for whoever searches this in the future
  14. Bitch'nBronco

    Mini Starter

    I ordered a 3223 starter as listed in the BC Broncos writeup, here's what the back of it looks like (same solenoid as the 3205SV I used before). Turns out Advance Autoparts lists the 3205SV as "fits for a 94 Cobra" which were all T5 manual cars, and their site lists the same starter as "fits...
  15. Bitch'nBronco

    Mini Starter

    I measured 3/8" from the engine block plate to the ring gear. So it sounds like I have a 164 tooth flywheel
  16. Bitch'nBronco

    Mini Starter

    If you look at post 14 I drew out how I wired it, I think its wired the same as your new starter diagram. I think my issue is shallow tooth engagement. I'll take some pics this weekend when i get a second to get back to work on it. Thanks for sharing the diagram
  17. Bitch'nBronco

    Mini Starter

    Sounds like from this excerpt that I have a 157 tooth flywheel and the teeth are only partially engaging until they're not engaging at all. I may need to try an auto starter after I do some measuring. If the AUTO starter is installed with a 164 tooth manual flywheel, the starter will be...
  18. Bitch'nBronco

    Mini Starter

    That PDF in the thread may have some gold in it to solve my problem " For the manual transmission starters the dimension from the back of the engine block to the aft edge of the ring gear on the flywheel is .420 in, the starter ring is still .375, which leaves the forward edge of the ring gear...
  19. Bitch'nBronco

    Mini Starter

    Got the battery and the starter tested today, both are good. Not sure what the issue is yet
  20. Bitch'nBronco

    Mini Starter

    I'm going to get my battery tested tomorrow when I take the starter back just to rule that out as well. It's about 6 years old and I'm wondering if it doesn't have the amperage to throw the bendix and rotate the engine over. I've done a bunch of research and this should pretty much be a plug and...