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Search results

  1. Prizefighter

    MS Pit Bull Rockers 37x13.50-17LT

    Are you coming back to Hot Springs anytime soon? I'm interested and could meet up.
  2. Prizefighter

    "Slimer" upgrades

    Love that Bronco! Looks great just the way it is, I wouldn't change a thing if it was mine and drive the mess out of it.
  3. Prizefighter

    CT '78-'79 Ford ½ ton parts

    I'm interested in this if you change your mind on shipping. Let me know if you want to work something out.
  4. Prizefighter

    AR 9" 3.25 ratio R&P and open carrier 31 spline

    I rebuilt my rear axle from a full size 78 truck and have the ring and pinion left over. Also have the open carrier if anybody wants it before it goes to the scrap pile.
  5. Prizefighter

    3 1/2 vs 5 inch lift.

    Welcome to the site. A 2.5" lift will give it a good stance for a stock truck that is mostly driven on the street. Just a tad more with the 3.5" is good too but now you have to start worrying about angles on components. 5.5" still gives a great stance but now your hopping in and out, serious...
  6. Prizefighter

    SOLD Dana 30 w/ 4:10 gears

    I would love to take this off your hands. Coming to OCBR in Sept? I live in Texarkana.
  7. Prizefighter

    O.C.B.R. 2014...Official Info Thread

    Groupon discount for Clarion Resort There is a Groupon deal for a discounted price for $56/night at the Clarion Resort in Hot Springs right now. Can book through October if any one is interested. It is about 20 mins from the park...
  8. Prizefighter

    AR 1974 Ford Bronco sale or trade (not mine)

    Yeah looked familiar. It seems like the Broncos around here pop up over and over , and each time go up a little bit more in price;)
  9. Prizefighter

    AR 1974 Ford Bronco sale or trade (not mine)

    It already sold, texted the owner earlier today.
  10. Prizefighter

    Who's on here from NW Arkansas?

    I lived in Fay-town once and played some rugby for the UofA. Then years later I took summer classes there and stayed with my sister who lives in Bella Vista. I've trout fished many times below the Beaver Dam when my uncle lived in Rogers. Now I catch a Razorback game about every two years.
  11. Prizefighter

    4.9L 300ci 6 cyl in a Bronco?

    You weren't kidding when you said you had looked into this. Sent him a PM since all his picture links were broken.
  12. Prizefighter

    4.9L 300ci 6 cyl in a Bronco?

    I'm about to do it. I've only found about 2 threads on it, hard to search because so many other things show up. My engine will come out of a 92 F150 and going to run a T18/NP205 behind it. May even keep my D30 in the front since I don't plan on running anything bigger than 33" tires. The only...
  13. Prizefighter

    TX NP435 with NP205 and PTO

    Is that a small block or big block bell housing? I am looking for a small block one if you are interested in separating.
  14. Prizefighter

    O.C.B.R. 2014...Official Info Thread

    I'm doing everything I can to be ready with my two 78s. Will be coming with my buddy ahuggins6 and his dad who are bringing their EBs. Counting down the months and wrenching everyday to get trail ready by Sept. 1.
  15. Prizefighter

    Ford 9" question

    I second getting the BadShoeProductions video since there is a wealth of knowledge taught. I bought it and the C6 overhaul DVDs for $50 from his website and doing the rebuilds myself.
  16. Prizefighter

    dana 44 inner axle seal question

    Oh I see! I get what you are saying now, that's creative and sounds legit. The first time I replaced one of these inner seals I wanted to beat something with a 3lb hammer because I kept getting frustrated and damaging the seal. After a couple trips to the parts store I discovered the exhaust...
  17. Prizefighter

    dana 44 inner axle seal question

    Explain this more, I'm not visualizing how this works. Pics? Exhaust piece works great, this is what I used last time and I'm about to do again.
  18. Prizefighter

    Anybody running 35 in tires?

    I'm going for 35's with 3.5" SL on my EB with 4:88s. It will be just right for what I need it for.
  19. Prizefighter

    Any go fast build ups?

    Feast your eyes: http://www.race-dezert.com/forum/threads/elite-early-bronco-build.93553/