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Search results

  1. P

    Poison Spyder Hood Louvre

    Yes, I installed the JK 2007-14 on my 77. I have a few tips . 1. Remove the hood it takes longer but you won't make the mistakes I did 2. Find your center and lay out the template and then layout the lover itself. 3. I measured 8" from the top hinge dude of the hood to the first center hole...
  2. P

    Jeep parts on a Bronco!!!

    Just purchased the Poison spider JK louver It actually fits pretty good. Hoping for reduced under hood temp
  3. P

    Bronco Meet up Grass Valley area

    Steed- I'm in for a mid week get together. Franks- even Mtn Mikes you can contact me via email and I look forward to the meet.
  4. P

    Bronco Meet up Grass Valley area

    Brian the wording " roll on over" may not be the best phrase to use. I witnessed and cried. If you do come I am sure we'd all love to see some pictures of where you are in the " On the road again" project. I was the only other Bronco in a sea of Yeeps.