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Search results

  1. V

    Sacramento bronco club

    okay since i started this, ill roll with it.... I notice there are alot of people in different areas so instead of just having the meeting in sac we could roll down to the other areas or up to different areas for the day or even the weekend and hit the trails in there neck of the woods. even...
  2. V

    Sacramento bronco club

    Damn i mention a club and i dont even have my first bronco yet, well im still saving money for it got about 1k saved right now for the EB well that should be 1k by the end of july. Heheh started working 2 jobs just for i can start to support my new hobby.
  3. V

    Sacramento bronco club

    Is there a sacramento, Ca bronco club id like to get some ideas and learn from people that have had a bronco for awhile since this will be the first one im purchasing.
  4. V


    Well thanks for all the great replies every one I think I will go down to the local sears and pick me up a set there in july, The reason being july is i get a third paycheck then from my main job and ill have a month or more under my belt from my second job. Thank god im single, no kids and no...
  5. V


    Question, I just relized since im starting to save for a bronco i have no tools either since i always use to work out of the shop on the ranch and they were all my father's tools. Was wondering were you would recommend i start looking for tools. I was thinking ebay and garage sales would you...
  6. V

    Introduction and some questions

    Hello all, Last month I bought a new 04 mustang and gave my sister my old 89ford 4x4 ranger. I use to work on vehicle with my father a lot usually his 56 Chevy we were restoring and my 1977 Chevy pick up when fixing it up but it was usually he told me what to do and I do it. Well since I...