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  1. Mikes Early Bronco

    What have you done to your Bronco today?

  2. Mikes Early Bronco

    Glad to see you’re fine @Madgyver

    X2. It looked like it took a good hit. That Bronco will probably be rebuilt and driving by tomorrow afternoon 🤣. They make it look easy.
  3. Mikes Early Bronco

    My wandering 76 Bronco. Help Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Our FJ model is the Trail Teams Edition so it came equipped with larger BFGs, rather than the base tires. The air pressure recommendation from Toyota is set higher for the BFGs. Part of the deal when I bought the vehicle was free oil changes for a lifetime. Every time it went in for an oil...
  4. Mikes Early Bronco

    My wandering 76 Bronco. Help Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Did you try rotating the tires by chance? Reason I’m asking is because the last time we went to Super Celebration we drove down our FJ Cruiser (Broncos still isn’t finished). I was always good about rotating the tires every 3000-5000 miles and I have the same exact tires as yours. So before our...
  5. Mikes Early Bronco

    Bronco Stories - An Old Man and His Bronco

    Great story! I think events like this are what fuel the Bronco spirit. I live in a location where folks, wise we’ll beyond my years, walk by the house. Quite a few have stopped to talk, while working on my 77. I’ll put every tool down to listen as they reminisce about their old trucks or cars...
  6. Mikes Early Bronco

    Ring gear bolts, lock washer or no lock washer?

    Looking at it, I guess in this case, the purpose of the bolt is more so to stop shear force rather than axial force? Ooh, as I’m writing this, more Bronco parts just sowed up.
  7. Mikes Early Bronco

    Ring gear bolts, lock washer or no lock washer?

    While we’re on the subject, why do the ring gear bolts (factory and aftermarket) only thread in 1/4” when they still have 1/4” left to go? The extra depth would add much more strength.
  8. Mikes Early Bronco

    Ring gear bolts, lock washer or no lock washer?

    Thanks Broncobowsher. At the end of this I hope I’ve covered my bases enough to not have to deal with a malfunction, due to my own negligence. During my first round I did sit the ring gear in the parts cleaner for a few hours, however, I did not properly prep the bolts themselves. I rushed to...
  9. Mikes Early Bronco

    Ring gear bolts, lock washer or no lock washer?

    Thanks Yeller! I didn’t know ARP made the pre drilled bolts. Figures earlier this morning I ordered a set of Dana Spicer factory bolts to drill. Maybe I’ll order the ARPs to save some headache drilling a hardened bolt.
  10. Mikes Early Bronco

    Ring gear bolts, lock washer or no lock washer?

    Haha. Glad I’m not the only one that loses sleep over this stuff.
  11. Mikes Early Bronco

    Ring gear bolts, lock washer or no lock washer?

    Thanks Brian! I saw your post regarding safety wire. I still have my equipment from years ago when I was racing motorcycles. That might be me next option. Did you ever find pre drilled bolts or did you drill your own? Edit: I just saw Yeller’s reply on pre drilled bolts.
  12. Mikes Early Bronco

    Ring gear bolts, lock washer or no lock washer?

    Thanks okie. The jury’s out. This is the route I’m going for now on. Those lock washers just didn’t seem right at all.
  13. Mikes Early Bronco

    Ring gear bolts, lock washer or no lock washer?

    Thanks Jeff. When I opened this thing it was strange, everything was in place except the slinger was mangled and exploded everywhere. Just the slinger though.
  14. Mikes Early Bronco

    Ring gear bolts, lock washer or no lock washer?

    James, thank you buddy. You also answered another question of mine in the post regarding the different bolt heads. I was having a hard time finding the 11/16 bolt heads. That’s a new thread too. Not sure how I missed it. The search option hasn’t been working well for me lately.
  15. Mikes Early Bronco

    Ring gear bolts, lock washer or no lock washer?

    So I’ve noticed that the ring gear bolts in my Dana 44 did not have lock washers from the factory. When I ordered a set they came with lock washers. I decided to try tightening with, and without the lock washers. When torquing the bolts without the lock washers I have a good accurate torque...
  16. Mikes Early Bronco

    What have you done to your Bronco today?

    I got it from East Coast Gear Supply. It was during a sale for Black Friday I believe. I have to dig up the receipt when I get back to the house. They hooked me up with a crazy good deal on it plus free shipping. I want to say $930 in total. At that point it was a no-brainer to go back to them...
  17. Mikes Early Bronco

    Dana 44 pinion install

    Afternoon, Regarding my Dana 44 pinion install. I have two baffles, one is flat and one is stamped. The one that stamped the previous installer had on the outside of the outer bearing. There was no baffle on the inside behind the inner bearing shims when I disassembled it. If I have this...
  18. Mikes Early Bronco

    What have you done to your Bronco today?

    Pressed on pinion inner bearing and ARB carrier bearings. Also mounted the ring gear. Hopefully I’ll finally have gears shimmed and installed tomorrow.
  19. Mikes Early Bronco

    What have you done to your Bronco today?

    Sprayed a topcoat on the D44 after epoxy primer.
  20. Mikes Early Bronco

    What have you done to your Bronco today?

    Epoxy primer laid down nicely. Unfortunately, because of work, I’m missing my window to top coat 🤷🏻‍♂️.