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Search results

  1. O

    EFI Recommendation

    IMO if you’re going to stick with a carb change ignition over to a Ford Duraspark unit. I have run them and Holley 4160 carb for years very reliably. I also have run a Mallory Opto spark conversion for over 30 years….not one problem . Points are a nightmare and the only thing worse than points...
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    Detail pictures of the top corner brace of Steel Top

    LUBr LuvR and Randy...thank you both so much.!!! These pictures are perfect. The part is a bit more intricate than I originally imagined. Looks to be stamped with an offset along the edges so the web will be inline with the two other flanges...plus i never notice the subtle radii near both...
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    Detail pictures of the top corner brace of Steel Top

    Hi Everyone, I was wondering if I could bother one of you to post a picture or give me some approximate dimensions for the gusset bracket where the lift gate weatherstripping is glued to on the 69 and up tops? The early tops have a square opening at the top of the lift gate but the 69 and...
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    Dynacorn Top kit fit problem

    Hi Everyone, I posted lasted week but realize now it was way too wordy. So I will try an abbreviated version. I have 71 Sport I bought a new Dynacorn full top kit for. Problem I am having is when top is sitting flat on the sides I have 1" plus gap at the windshield. The new side panels...
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    Problem with Dynacorn ne steel top kit

    Hi Everyone, My first time posting so please forgive me in advance for any mistakes and for this long post. It is pleasure to meet you all and can say I have enjoyed reading through many of the threads. I have an issue perhaps someone can enlighten me with. A little (maybe too much)...