Was out last night cruising on my '74 Schwinn Heavy Duti/Manta-Ray wannabe bike and I had to do a double take
was that what I think it was? I've lived in the Dayton area for almost 7 years now and never seen another EB, except for the 2 owned by tpatton75 (thanks again for the hub Tom).
Guy was out back with his kids, so I rolled up and we talked for a bit, said he's a member here, name was Boone but I didn't ask username. It's a 73 with a fiberglass tub. Crazy, I only got one pic...
Guy was out back with his kids, so I rolled up and we talked for a bit, said he's a member here, name was Boone but I didn't ask username. It's a 73 with a fiberglass tub. Crazy, I only got one pic...