Hey hsach,
I was looking at New post and some one burned down on the highway, in the post another member was asking what to look for so his rig doesn't burn down, I went to reply but I wasn't privileged enough to reply on the site, I was just going to mention in our Speedo cluster the wire that goes through the insulated dash from the alternator is one of the biggest fire causes in our Broncos, the wire gets old and grounds out since its straight current. I just had one question that I was going to ask and that was how big of a fire extinguisher do we need and is the bed of our Broncos big enough to carry them?
Hey hsach,
I was looking at New post and some one burned down on the highway, in the post another member was asking what to look for so his rig doesn't burn down, I went to reply but I wasn't privileged enough to reply on the site, I was just going to mention in our Speedo cluster the wire that goes through the insulated dash from the alternator is one of the biggest fire causes in our Broncos, the wire gets old and grounds out since its straight current. I just had one question that I was going to ask and that was how big of a fire extinguisher do we need and is the bed of our Broncos big enough to carry them?