• Be EXTREMELY cautious if someone offers to buy your Bronco for more than your asking price and sight unseen. ESPECIALLY if the buyer is overseas. It's probably a scam.

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1974 Bronco - Pics added - http://traversingreality.com/bronco/

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Bronco Guru
Oct 24, 2002
Petoskey, MI

if you had simply posted the pics & stats asking for a price I'd estimate $7k for a quick-ish sale up to about $9k if ya find the right buyer.

...just my $.02


Bronco Guru
Nov 29, 2006
Lets Negotiate!!

IMHO, you would NOT like the result of negotiation on your rig. I think Slick pegged your price expectations. $9k on a VERY good day. $7k much more realistic since it needs at least that much in body/paint work to make to turn it into a $12k rig. Thus, even at $7k, you start out with a $2k loss.

Don't get me wrong, you've done a lot of nice things to the rig. But adding nice parts etc on a truck that is worn doesn't do much to increase its value to anybody other than you. Just my two cents.
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Thanks for the 2 cents worth nothin. Why would I not like negotiations on my rig? What the heck does IMHO mean anyway? You need to dust between your ears and clean out the cobwebs. Nobody has pegged the price for my rig except ME. Meanin, your not going to dictate to me how much I can sell my stuff. And if you pay $7k for a paint job on a truck with minimal damage like mine, you need to have you head examed after you dust it off. I just cannot figure out why, if You guys have sooo much money in your rigs, why you do not support the value.. It seems that you are bad mouthing your own rigs by stating some of your comments. I put it on the web site because I thought that at least those of you that were building these things as did I would kinda cheer me along by knowing what the costs and how much time is spent to build these things. Even if I lay out my recipts and list of parts with shipping fees and time spent..$14k is under the curve and even at that price im taking a lose. I will dare anybody to do exactly what I have done to my Bronco including the cost of the truck before the build to show me where they spent less than at least $12k. I thought that as Bronco owners we were all on some sort of small club or team (stick together kinda thing) Guess its just me and a sellect few that take pride in what we can accomplish and the CLASSIC FORD BRONCO. Eventhough I need the money I am not willing to sacrafice the time and money I have spent on this thing. Ill negotiate but will not slit my own throat. Some of you need to re-evaluate or rethink what you say. As of now! The guys that like to post putdowns are the reason we cant seem to sell these things for more $$. Think about it guys, if all we post is negative, everybody will soon beleive what the so called experts say. By then it will be too late to have a true classic be worth anything. If you beleive what I say give me a Hell Yea! If you dont, ask Rob1962 IMHO to find a guy to paint your rig for $7k so he can offer you $3k.


Bronco Guru
Nov 29, 2006
Even if I lay out my recipts and list of parts with shipping fees and time spent..$14k is under the curve and even at that price im taking a lose. I will dare anybody to do exactly what I have done to my Bronco including the cost of the truck before the build to show me where they spent less than at least $12k. /QUOTE]

Jay, you asked for input. I gave you my input, I'm sorry you don't like or agree with it. IMHO means "in my humble opinion" just like the two cents worth. Its my perspective, and that's all.

If $14k is so far "under the curve" whatever you mean by that, how do you explain the fact that you haven't sold it for that price in over 2 months you've advertised it to an audience that likes what you're selling, and knows the value thereof.

I don't care how much money you've put into your rig. If it looks like yours does, to me as a buyer, it's no where's near worth $14k. I paid much less than that for mine, and from the looks of the pictures you've posted, it was in MUCH better shape when I bought it. You say it needs "minimal body work" but from the pictures, it looks like it needs more than minimal work. $7k is not a lot for a body work and paint job, and your truck needs both. Iin fact, in my book, its just about approaching a good paint job on top of the minimum $2k worth of body work your truck needs. That's $5 for the paint job which will get you a good, but not a great paint job.

Like I said earlier on, before I would justify spending that much on a EB, it can't be in need of the paint and body work yours is in need of. And it clearly is in need of paint and body work just from what can be seen in the pictures. An in person inspection would likely reveal the need for even more. If I can see rust in a picture, I'm not as concerned by what I can see, but what I can't see and won't be able to see until the truck is stripped down during paint prep. Too much gamble on how much body work will really be needed to put up the kind of money your asking for.

I agree and stated, you've done a lot of nice things to the rig. But adding nice parts, etc., on a truck that has the appearance issues yours does, doesn't do much to meirt the type of money you're asking for it to anybody other than you. I don't doubt you've spent what you claim. I've spent a lot on mine too. But I'd never get anything approaching what I have into it, and unless you find the exceptional buyer, neither will you.

Its not "bad mouthing" our own rides. Its being realisitic and knowing that how much you put into it does not always equal what you'd like to sell it for. If your truck had a nice paint job, without the "issues" shown in the pictures, I have no doubt you could get somewhere near what your asking.

Sorry you don't like my input.


I guess I have not sold it in 2 months for 3 reasons.
#1- yea, I need a paint job.. but I am a true beleiver that other things like power disc brakes, all new running gear, rebuilt automatic tranny, power steeing etc. were more important. You see, I wanted to make sure it worked good before I made it look good. Anybody can paint a turd.. in the end its still a turd. I guess that the looks of seem to set people off. It still has a straight body and minimal body work. I dont have to take it to nasa to get it painted.

#2- havent found the right buyer yet, I have had offers but like I said I dont have to get rid of it and Im not going to slit my throat to do so. This is not the only place it is for sale. Thank GOD.

#3- Con't from #2 This site has to be the most dissapointing part of my sale so far. Not from the admistrators, but from some of the people here that blastfeim the Bronco name by posting there comments and justify being an ass by simply stating "just my 2 cents, or you wanted our oppinions live with it" Crap. I know by now Its a waste of time to even have it listed here because all the bad posts would kill anybodys deal. If you are not interested in purchacing it dont say anything or message me in private. I know I asked for your thoughts and input but because I thought we were all on the same team here and I did get a few private messages from guys I really want to associate with, I took there advise into consideration. I was excited to come here when I started this sale because I thought I would be posting with other Bronco enthusiasts that would realize the potential in my rig. Most people I come into contact with think its a Jeep! Erks my @%&#.

Its seems like more people come here to put down and fight rather that to buy or sell.


Bronco Guru
Nov 29, 2006
Any Input Guys?

Any Thoughts Guys? I Need Some Feedback On My Ride And What You Guys Think!!!

Hey Guys, I Still Have Not Receved Any Feedback On What You Guys Think About My Rig. I Would Like To Here From Sombody About It.

What Does It Take To Get Feedback Here? I Have Asked At Least 3 Times!!

Thanks for your input guys, it has helped me out. If anybody else has any more suggestions please post them.

got my pics up today... here is the link:http://traversingreality.com/bronco/

let me know what you guys think

Anybody Seen The Pics Yet, Any Comments?

Holy Crap are you a crybaby.

You asked, indeed BEGGED, for people to give you their opinions about your truck and how much you were asking for it. But you don't really want honest opinions, you want everyone to lie about the value of your truck for one purpose and one purpose only, your financial gain in the face of all reality and integrity.

Got news for you pal, your Bronco hasn't sold because it aint worth what you're asking, so its a good thing you can afford to keep it.

I'm sorry I ever responded, and sorry to all who had to read.
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I got your crybaby!

Im not the one posting at 1 in the morning and taking time to quote what everybody says. Do you have a life or do you just get off by telling eveyone there stuff sucks so you can justify yours being crap? If you were tring to sell yours I certainly would not try to kill your deal by publicly posting some of the stuff you have posted. If I had ideas that might affect your sell I would privatly submit my comments and you could consider what I had to say if you wanted to. In the face of all reality and integrity, as you so elegantly put it, I would be taking a financial loss and thats not a Lie. Call it what you want - thats the truth. Furthermore, I posted negotialbe. Meaning, I will entertain reasonable offers and the $14k is not set in stone. But I guess Im wasting my time tring to get someone like you to underatand. I'm sorry you ever responded also!


New Member
Jan 22, 2007
Good luck getting anyone on here to buy it. It may be a nice bronco but I doubt anyone will be wanting to deal with you.


You are probably right, but I am very easy to deal with if a reasonable offer is made.


Sr. Member
Oct 31, 2006
Harford Co. MD
I don't pipe up too much but I'm gonna play good cop, bad cop. First though, if you don't have to sell it, keep it. I sold mine & am sorry I did. That brings me to "good cop". Your rig is nicer than mine was overall, however I did have a few more "crawler" mods on mine. I sold it for $8100.00 through ebay. So you should be able to do better than I did theoretically I actually made money on mine & never put a dime in it. Not usually the case though. It will cost me well over 8100.00 to replace it with something comparable, which is why I say keep it.

Bad Cop: I have hopped up a few diesels & old cars before I got interested in EB's I read somewhere once that you should be prepared to lose 50% of your invested money when tinkering with projects of this nature. The improvements only hold significant value to the individual making them. You'll argue that any EB nut would appreciate the mods you've done & to some degree I would agree, but each EB nut has their own preferences which may not be how you made your mods. From what I've read here, it looks like the 50% theory is holding true. Also, if you are an enthusiast, how could you expect to get a full return on your investment, especially from someone here that knows the "game" as well or better than you do. My suggestion would be to let this die here & take it over to ebay. It will sell & you can set your reserve to be whatever you think is fair & see how it goes.

I think it's a nice ride but I think the price is a bit high. But I also think you should keep it. Good luck which ever way you go.


Sr. Member
Oct 31, 2006
Harford Co. MD
Just for point of reference, I got 8100.00 for this. Not the greatest pictures


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Red Head Grease Monkey
Jan 23, 2002
Stockton, CA
I got your crybaby!

Im not the one posting at 1 in the morning and taking time to quote what everybody says. Do you have a life or do you just get off by telling eveyone there stuff sucks so you can justify yours being crap? If you were tring to sell yours I certainly would not try to kill your deal by publicly posting some of the stuff you have posted. If I had ideas that might affect your sell I would privatly submit my comments and you could consider what I had to say if you wanted to. In the face of all reality and integrity, as you so elegantly put it, I would be taking a financial loss and thats not a Lie. Call it what you want - thats the truth. Furthermore, I posted negotialbe. Meaning, I will entertain reasonable offers and the $14k is not set in stone. But I guess Im wasting my time tring to get someone like you to underatand. I'm sorry you ever responded also!

Wow, you have a really bad attitude for someone asking for input. You have a problem with everyone in this thread that has told you that your asking price is way too high. It seems that you were looking to meet a group of people that would agree with your asking price to reinforce your belief that you were going to be able to sell it for what you had in it. When presented with a more realistic price point, you seem to think that we're all wrong. Way to go newbie. FWIW: I have nearly $20,000 in my Bronco and could sell it for $12,000 on a REALLY good day. Broncos are a hobby. You spend/waste money on a hobby. You want to make an investment, go see a stock broker.


Bronco Guru
Nov 29, 2006
I'm not the one posting at 1 in the morning and taking time to quote what everybody says.

I live in California, so it was 10 pm, not 1 am. Moreover, I didn't quote "what everybody says" rather I just quoted what "you" said when you begged people over and over and over again to give their opinions of your truck.

Do you have a life or do you just get off by telling eveyone there stuff sucks so you can justify yours being crap?

On the one hand, I never said that your truck sucked. Not once. In fact I said that you had done some nice things to your truck. I gave you the input you requested, however, about the price you were asking by telling you in my opinion, the price was too high for the kind of paint/body work it needed.

On the other hand, where did I justify my EB being crap. Sorry, but my 1975 has all the bells and whistles your has, and more, plus doors and top, but it doesn't have ANY of the appearance/body/rust/paint issues yours has. I could justify $14k for mine, and probably still would have to work and wait to get that price. And the prices an EB can command in So Cal are much higher than other regions.

If you were tring to sell yours I certainly would not try to kill your deal by publicly posting some of the stuff you have posted. If I had ideas that might affect your sell I would privatly submit my comments and you could consider what I had to say if you wanted to

Sorry, but you SPECIFICALLY asked for people to "post" their comments about your truck. I understood your request to be that you were inviting people to comment publically. You begged for comments when you didn't get any. You should have been clear that you only wanted public comments from people who thought your truck was worth what you think it is worth.

As it turns out, you really aren't interested in anybody's comments, because all you've done in response thereto is try and defend why you think your truck is worth something in the neighborhood or what you are asking, as opposed to listening to all the reason why people think your price expectations are too high. Stop crying that the opinions of others don't match your opinion or support the kind of money you are asking for.

Nobody tried to kill your deal. Rather, people tried to bring you give you the benefit of their knowledge to help you establish a more realistic price that might result in a deal, not kill one.

In the face of all reality and integrity, as you so elegantly put it, I would be taking a financial loss and thats not a Lie. Call it what you want - thats the truth.

Of course its the truth. That's what everybody keeps telling you everytime you say that you have more than what your asking for into the truck. Everybody on here that is being realisitic knows that if and when they sell their trucks that they put a lot of time and money into, they are going to take a loss. When and if I sell mine, I'm going to take a loss. It will probably be close to 25% or more of what I have into my truck. That's just the nature of the game. If you wanted to maintain the value of your truck, the first mistake you, me and most everyone else made, was to modify it. A stock restored EB has the most value and the greatest return on investment.

Furthermore, I posted negotialbe. Meaning, I will entertain reasonable offers and the $14k is not set in stone. But I guess Im wasting my time tring to get someone like you to underatand.

Its not me or others that aren't understanding, its you. Everybody is telling you that you have a nice truck. But they are also telling you that, as it sits here and now, your expectation of selling it at a price anywhere near the $14k your asking is UNREASONABLE.

Carhauler has given you some sound advice.


Just your friendly, neighborhood webmaster...
Jan 1, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
JAYBRONCO, you did specifically ask people to post their opinions, which they have given. They may not be opinions you agree with, but surely you expected to hear different points of view. Just take the good with the bad and make up your own mind.

As many others here have told you it's probably not realistic to think you'll make back the money you've invested. You almost never do when working on vehicles like this. That has nothing to do with members here trying to knock you down on price. It's just a reality that most of us have seen in action on vehicles like this. It's a hobby and you very rarely get your money back out of it.

Anyway, if you no longer want people's opinions just say so and people will stop giving them. The rule in the Classifieds forum is to not post opinions on value unless the person requests it. So just say the word and people will stop.


Sr. Member
Jun 22, 2007
I was going to say what ADMIN just did. Here is a copy of what the rules for the classified section is.

Only reply to ads if you're interested in buying. Don't give your opinions on value unless asked.


The Classifieds forum is a place to buy and sell, not an open forum for people to give their opinions on Bronco values. Unless the seller specifically asks for help on pricing, please don't critique quality or asking price. If you're not intersted then move on.


You might not have gotten any responses at first because most people on "THIS" site know not to get involved unless they are looking. They also know not to publicly give their opinions on a sale. BUT........you kept asking. It seems to me that everyone thought you had a nice truck. The only thing they told you was that it was over priced. That is thier (current EB owners) opinion. Hopefully it will work out for you and you will get what you "want".


Thank you all for your input. I did ask for it, and I appreciate most of the feeback I got. I am not a hard person to get along with or deal with nor do I have a bad attitude. I am pationate about Broncos and really am a very nice guy, I work hard, and play hard. I am an enthusiast, I love the Bronco and I do not need to sell it. I am going to ask admin to pull my sale and take most of your thoughs into consideration. It is a hard pill to swallow when you hear some of the things I have about my truck. I guess it is my southern stubberness. Im not going to throw in the towel Im just going to try to hang it somewhere else for the time being. I am sorry if I got under the skin of some people here. It was not my intention. I have received plenty of private messages backing my crusade and I have tried to hang in there.

You guys can sometimes be a tough crowd and some of you need to check yourselves also. Oh well, lets all just have a cold one, chill out and let by-gones be by-gones. Ill keep you guy informed on the sale>> If There Is One.

and so it goes..


Sr. Member
Mar 30, 2004
You have a very nice Bronco. If you replace the grill, and the tailgate with new reproduction parts, and have them matched to your existing orange paint, I think it would show better. It has been my experience, when you get into the price range where you are sitting, buyers want a solid clean truck with no body work needed. Faded paint is one thing. Dents and rust is another. If I was in the market for a similar rig, I could look past the dented rear corner, if the other items were taken care of. Let us know how it goes.
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