Absolutely! It keeps getting better every year and my wheels are already turning about next year and how we can improve it even more. Here's a few I've got so far.
1st off- If possible, and no conflicts with Zeeland Swap or Broncorama, let's bump it ahead a week or two. As we all know, a week or two can make a big difference out here in the Midwest.
2nd- Some sort of preregistration with the new owners at the Badlands. If we can fill out the needed waivers for the Badlands prior to getting there, we could flash a FOOLS badge and roll right in at the checkpoint with out waiting in the long 9 am lines with all the mosquito Quad riders...then to a designated section of the lower lot for the Bronco Fools and off the Quarry for a 10 am group shot. But the preregistration would save a lot of time for those losing an hour on the time change and you could simple drop your trailer off at the campsite or Attica Inn and roll! I could send the Fools shirts and stickers out in the mail prior to the event in a pre-registration pack (with the "gate ticket") and save myself a lot of headache handing out shirts Saturday night too.
3rd- Get a locker in the rear of "Nessie" and finally get up that rock challenge.
Thanks again to all that made it a success this year, trail riders, trail leaders, sponsors, friends, and Fools alike. ;D
! We will do it again in 09 Bigger and better!!!!