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77 Bronco body weight?


New Member
May 17, 2014
Does anyone know the approximate weight of a 77 Bronco body minus the front clip?

I'm also looking to build a cradle on casters to set the body on for restoration,
anyone have plans for one?



Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
The front clip is either surprisingly heavy, or removing it makes [Just] enough difference in weight and awkwardness to let two reasonably healthy guys carry the tub around.
And I'm not that strong. Must have good leverage!

Two of us carried one quite a ways a few years ago and I'd have to say it weighs no more than 250/350 lbs or so.
Then again... My buddy Jerry is pretty strong. Has GI Joe Kung-Fu grip too. Broke a motor mount stud off with a small ratchet while lying on his back under my car once!
Maybe the tub is heavier than I think?;D:eek:

Six of us carried a full/clip body like it was nothing. Which probably just means that the young strong members of the team were carrying an inordinate amount and covering for us old types.;)
